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你是奉承我的人。You are smarmy.

不要相信奉承者。Do not trust flatters.

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不要相信奉承者。Do not trust flatterers.

奉承者,伪君子。A flatterer, a hypocrite.

他厚颜无耻地奉承她。He flattered her shamelessly.

那些奉承使她心花怒放。The flattery made her expand.

他们的奉承使我昏昏然了。Their flattery turned my head.

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带有媚态和奉承的顺从。An act or instance of cringing.

阿求奉承并不会对你有如何帮助。Flattery won't get you anywhere.

难道你没发现奉承拍马很有好处?Haven't you found flattery pays?

她有什么值得奉承的!What is there to adulate in her!

难道你没发现奉承拍马很有好处?Haven't you found flattery pays ?

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我不喜欢奉承的恭维话。I don't like flattering compliments.

那家伙很喜欢受人奉承。That guy is a pushover for flattery.

奉承她说,喊出这一声的,一定是阿都尼。And flatters her it is Adonis' voice.

他陶醉在别人的奉承中。He basks in other people's adulation.

他们奉承他的烹饪技术。They flattered him about his cooking.

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我不在乎凯撒王怎么看我,我不奉承任何人。I don't care what Caesar thinks of me.

我们的虚荣心是最坏的奉承者。Our own vanity is the worst flatterer.

我讨厌她那套令人作呕的奉承。I was disgusted by her fulsome flattery.