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一种什么酸溜溜的鱼,我想大概是鳗鲡吧。Some sort of sour fish. Eel, I think.

鳗鱼为鳗鲡科动物鳗鱼的肉或全体。Thee eel is the eel li branch animal eel's meat or all.

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长高的野草在寒风中象鳗鲡似的蠕蠕游动。The tall grasses undulated like eels under the north wind.

鳗鲡属淡水鳗鱼是古鱼类。Freshwater eels, of the genus Anguilla, are ancient fishes.

有很多人都喜欢吃鳗鲡,尤其是在寿司饭店中。Many enjoy consuming eel, particularly in sushi restaurants.

获得了欧洲鳗鲡血液生理生化指标参考值。Haematological and biochemical values of European eel was provided.

鳗鲡正从地中?焖傧?剑鱼正从印度洋消失。Eels are fast vanishing from Mediterranean, swordfish from the Indian Ocean.

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鳗鲡正从地中海快速消失,剑鱼正从印度洋消失。Eels are fast vanishing from Mediterranean , swordfish from the Indian Ocean.

盔甲里面混乱的鳗鲡翻腾着,使这怪物的容器好象沸腾了。The tangles of eels within his armor writhed and made the monster's bulk seem to boil.

结果表明∶鳗鲡的粗脂肪含量随着体长体重的增加而增加。The results showed that the contents of crude lipid in eel body increased with the growth.

利用封闭式循环水养殖模式进行花鳗鲡养殖切实可行。It was feasible to culture Anguilla marmorata in a closed recirculating aquaculture system.

欧洲鳗鲡迁移到马尾藻海产卵是大自然未解开的最大的谜团之一。The European eel's migration to the Sargasso Sea to spawn is one of nature's great unsolved mysteries.

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随着鳗鲡养殖业的发展,人们正努力探索鳗鲡的人工育苗技术。With the development of eel culture, the artificial breeding of eel was exploring by many researchers.

二是各阶段的生长速度明显低于日本鳗鲡。The second is slow growth during each living stage, which is obviously lower than that of Japanese eel.

随着鳗鲡养殖业的发展,人们正努力探索鳗鲡的人工育苗技术。With the development of eel culture, the artificial breeding of eel has been exploring by many researchers.

卵黄抗体经饲料添加方式投喂动物,能够增强小鼠和鳗鲡抵抗嗜水气单胞菌的侵染能力。By feeding the egg-yolk antibody with feed, the resistance of Kunming mouse and eel to AH are both Enhanced.

手雷粘在猎人的腹部——闪着光,点燃了由十二条鳗鲡群组成的身体。The grenade stuck to the Hunter's abdomen—flashed, and ignited a dozen of the orange eel symbiotes constituting its form.

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结果表明,各项水质指标均保持在花鳗鲡生长适宜范围内。The result showed that indicators of water quality during the culture were maintained at the suitable scope for Anguilla marmorata.

这里我们采用高度多态的遗传标记更好的解决了欧洲鳗鲡的群体遗传结构分析的问题。Here we have used highly polymorphic genetic markers that provide better resolution to investigate genetic structure in European eel.

与日本鳗鲡相比,欧洲鳗鲡食欲不旺盛,易患细菌性疾病和寄生虫病。Compared with Japanese eel, European eel has a poorer appetite for food and is susceptible to both bacterial and parasitical diseases.