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可以品尝到外国食物,然后相互品评一下。Foreign food is sampled and discussed.

东坡、闰之、季常和大妹品评琴操手艺。Dongpo, leap, season with big sister taste QinCao craft.

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在一些面试中,他们会迅速品评你一番,不管结论是对是错。In some interviews, your counterparts will quickly size you up, right or wrong.

我们总是在品评新书,可是偶尔会有一些很棒的老书与我们擦肩而过。Normally we review new books, but occasionally an older book is just too good to ignore.

对明代诗坛上著名的流派和作家都进行了品评。They have commented on the famous school and writer of poetic circles in the Ming dynasty.

品评用语是汉语言词汇中最具特色的用语之一。Commentary Phraseology is one of the most distinct phraseologies in Chinese language vocabulary.

津津有味地品评每一词句,我已和外国记者谢安一起,首先专程访问了中国,然后又专程访问了俄国。Relishing every word, I joined foreign correspondent Sheean on a mission to China and another to Russia.

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对于知音或文友来说是吟诵之后韵味无穷,心慕动情唱和品评,这都是好诗。For salon or Wen is recited after endless charm, desire and emotional evaluation, this is all good poetry.

方法感官品评与理化成分分析相结合。Methods Defluorided brick-tea was sensuously judged and its physical and chemical components were analyzed.

杜甫不仅是位伟大的诗人,而且是位有着广博高深的艺术鉴赏、品评功力的艺术批评家。DU Fu is a great poet as well as an artistic critic with great ability to appreciate literary and art works.

津津有味地品评每一词句,我已和外国记者谢安一起,首先。Relishing every word, I joined our foreign correspondent Shccan on a mission to China and another to Russia.

菜点色彩是菜点的属性之一,是品评菜点质量的一种标志,是可以通过烹饪加工赋予菜点感染力的一种表现手段。Dish colour is one of dish attributes, a sign of dish quality, a way to make dish more appealing through cooking.

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介绍了酱油感官检查的定义,基本要求,包括器具方面,环境方面及品评员的要求。Recommends the definition and the demand of sensory examination of soy sauce, including implement, circumstance and the judger.

婴儿们好象西葫芦那样给摆出来任人品评,于是,1947年,五个月大肥圆乐呵的迈克尔脱颖而出。Babies were exhibited and judged like prize marrows, and, in 1947, the five-month-old Michael, bloated and jolly, swept all before him.

人们在谈到品评鸽时总是不屑一顾,人品评鸽没有什么可炫耀的竞翔成绩。People always neglect the value of rating pigeons whenever referring to them, because they have no outstanding flight racing performances.

有鉴于此,本论文以沙汀建国前的小说为主要研究对象,对其进行戏剧性的分析和品评。In view of this, before the founding of this thesis Sha Ting's novel as the main object of study, its analysis and comment for the dramatic.

孔建议他俩互唱国歌,互相品评,快快乐乐无忧无虑的学生们见此情景齐聚一旁,侧耳聆听。Kong suggests they sing the Rwandan national anthem together, and they do, with relish, to the delight of the students who gather to listen.

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几千年来,这种尚德精神影响着人们对历史人物的品评与现实人物的期望。For thousands of years, this spirit of esteeming virtue has affected people's comments on historical figures and expectations of real people.

腐乳是中华民族独特的调味品,介绍了腐乳品评的基本要求,品评标准,打分标准。Fermented bean curd is distinctive condiment. This paper introduces the fundamental demand of sizing up, standard of sizing up and evaluating.

通过“清议”“品评”等“乡闾品位”的途径与方式,曹操将其重视德行的用人政策贯彻到整个的用人实践中。By the means of public opinion and evaluation, he puts his policy of emphasizing the morality into his practice of managing his surbordination.