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沟内水深三英尺。The water was three feet deep.

沟内水深三英尺。The ditch held three feet of water.

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于2002年对抚顺市辖区内水污染源进行了调查。The water pollution sources in Fushun city were investigated in 2002.

各成员国应为停靠在其港口或通过其领水或内水的船舶上工作的海员的遣返提供便利。In particular, a Member shall not refuse the right of repatriation to any seafarer because of.

中方认为西北航道属于加拿大内水还是国际航道?Does China regard the northwest passage as internal waters of Canada or international waterway?

特殊排气装置,可将烘箱内水气及废气排除。Unique air exhaust device which completes exhausting the steam and vapor from the heating oven.

中国的领陆,内水,领海,领空神圣不可侵犯。China's territorial land, inland water, territorial seas and territorial airspace are inviolable.

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中国的领陆、内水、领海、领空神圣不可侵犯。China's territorial land, inland waters, territorial seas and territorial airspace are inviolable.

河流沉积物使海峡内水的颜色较之周围海水要浅一些。Sediment colors the water flowing through that channel a lighter color than the surrounding ocean.

删除了陶瓷板内水,加强成品件的耐久性。Remove water from the inside of a ceramic plate to strengthen the durability of the finished piece.

腾冲热海是中国最著名的火山地热区,近期区内水热流体活动异常强烈。The Rehai area of Tengchong County, Yunnan Province is a well-known volcanic geothermal field in China.

孔隙内水的矿化度或许是决定电阻率的最主要因素。The salinity of the water in the pores is probably the most critical factor determining the resistivity.

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内水,是指我国领海基线向内陆一侧的所有海域。"Internal waters" means all sea areas on the land-ward side of the baseline of the China's territorial sea.

造纸机的一部份。它在网部之后,作用是把刚成形的纸内水份压出,然后往烘缸部烘干。Its function is to press the water out of the newly formed paper before it is passed on to the drying cylinders.

在这一过渡带内水热活动剧烈,重力也不均衡。In this transitional zone, hot water activity is very strong and the gravity field is not in isostatic equilibrium.

当表皮屏障功能障碍,真皮和表皮内水分会大量丢失,发生皮肤干燥、鳞屑、瘙痒。When the epidermal barrier is blocked, water in dermis and epidermis will lose, which results in dry skin and skin scales.

通过逐级加大孔内水压力强度,求得钢筋应力达到屈服时的内水压力超载系数,用以估计孔口配筋后的强度安全度。Through increasing the water pressure in outlets in a step by step way, an overload coefficient of internal water pressure w.

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约45-60分钟后,西米被煮成透明状,锅内水份也基本上被西米吸收了。After about 45-60 minutes, the tapioca balls will be transparent, most of the water in the pot is also absorbed by the tapioca.

将其转移到有聚四氟乙烯内衬的压力溶弹中,置于恒温箱内水热合成7天,得到的产物用去离子水洗涤多次,抽滤烘干得产品。Transferred in a container, synthesized for 7 days in the container, the product has been washed many times with water and dried.

就极限承载能力而言,在超内水压力情况下,双层衬砌结构有较大的安全余度。Under super inner hydraulic pressure, the liner still has large safety redundancy from the point view of limit loading capability.