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波段是我们的衣食父母!The god of our band!

顾客是衣食父母。King is our customer's name.

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电视是足球的衣食父母。Television is football's demiurge.

记住,那可是你的衣食父母。Remember, that's the hand that feeds you.

威因,你可不能这样批评我们的衣食父母呢。Wanye, you shouldn't criticize our employer like that.

顾客是我们的衣食父母,是我们事业的核心基础。Customer is the God of the core foundation of our business.

民以食为天!请尊重我们的衣食父母吧!Food is important to the people! Please respect the farmer!

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在各个行业里,顾客就是上帝,是经营者的衣食父母。In each profession, the customer is God, is operator's Food and Clothing Parents.

他是加菲的衣食父母和聊天伙伴,同时也是加菲的笑柄。He is primary fodder and conversation partner to Garfield and is often the butt of Garfield's jokes.

客户就是“上帝”,是我们的衣食父母,但是我们经常连自己“父母”是谁都不知道。Customers are "god" and the ones on whom our livelihood depends, but generally we don't even know who they are.

“为非作歹的孩子”能否回到“你娘”的身边,人类的“衣食父母”能否让儿女过上真正幸福的生活!"Outlaw child" can return to the "your mother" side, the human "god" can make children truly have a happy life!

政治国家和公民社会是法律的衣食父母,而法律则是政治和社会的底线和平台。Political State and civil society is the natural parents of the law, and the law is the bottom line and platforms of the political and social men.

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遭受重创的汽车业迫切需要喘息之机,因此,面对低于预期的销售量,失望的不仅仅是汽车厂商,同时也包括它们的衣食父母——手头拮据的美国消费者。Slower than expected sales, therefore, will be disappointing not only for a battered auto industry dying for a break -- but also for the strapped American consumers they're counting on.