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但骆驼却一动也不动。But the camel did not move.

那头骆驼驮的是谷物吗?Was the camel carrying corn?

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骆驼在沙漠里干什么?What do camels do in desert?

骆驼的奶水不会凝固。Camel's milk does not curdle.

骆驼长着那样长的脖子。The gol get like a long neck.

骆驼从非洲来。There are camels from Africa.

我也和骆驼玩了。And I also played with camels.

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骆驼是沙漠之舟。Camels are ships in the desert.

骆驼能在很远的地方闻到水味。Camels can smell water far off.

我看见几十头在歇息的骆驼。I saw dozens of resting camels.

请给我来一罐“骆驼”烟丝。The camel is a beast of burden.

这些米是用骆驼装运的。The rice is conveyed on camels.

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请给我来一罐“骆驼”烟丝。Please give me a can of "Camel".

为了学生,甘为骆驼。For the student, Gansu is a camel.

请给我来一罐“骆驼”烟丝。I want to get a pack of " camel ."

美洲驼和骆驼是同一物种。The llama is related to the camel.

摇铃、灯塔和骆驼三匹。A bell, a lighthouse, three camels.

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骑骆驼穿越沙漠。Ride a camel across a sandy desert.

变量名必须是骆驼方式的。Variable names must be camel-cased.

亚利桑那州禁止猎杀骆驼。Hunt camels in the state of Arizona.