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我们不该进攻伊拉克。We were wrong in Iraq.

他们敦促我发起进攻。They urged me to attack.

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他们大举进攻我们。They attacked us in force.

这是普林司顿进攻。It's the Princeton offense.

我们击退了进攻者。We drove our attackers off.

是半场进攻,还是以快攻为主,或者是以防守见长?Are they defensive oriented?

进攻是最好的防御。Offence is the best defence.

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进攻是最好的防御。Offensive is the best defence.

进攻是最好的防御。The best defense is to attack.

敌人将在黎明时分发动进攻。The enemy will strike at down.

接着,成吉思汗就进攻了该城市,并获得了成功。Then Genghis attacked and won.

敌人第三波进攻快速接近中。Nagase Third wave closing fast.

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敌人在黎明时向我进攻。The enemy assaulted us at dawn.

拳击师向他的对手猛烈进攻。The boxer tied into his opponent.

如此进攻将铸成大错。Such an attack would be a mistake.

蛇盘起来准备进攻。The snake coiled, ready to strike.

我们迫使进攻的敌人后退了。We drove back the attacking enemy.

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再下一轮进攻,超音速主教练P。A possession later, Sonics coach P.

出动棋力向对方的王进攻。Develop pieces and attack the king.

进攻是最好的妨御。Old friends and old wines are best.