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一条藏在珊瑚礁后面的狮子鱼。A lion fish hidden behind a coral reef.

酸性的海水减缓了珊瑚礁的生长。Those sour seas slow the growth of corals.

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岛群由火山岛和珊瑚礁组成。Island group from the volcanic island and cays.

涨潮冲击着珊瑚礁。The incoming tides were bathing the coral reef.

他们潜水或乘玻璃底游船来观赏珊瑚礁。They dive or see the reef by glass-bottom boat.

小的时侯,库克斯热爱家附近的海里的珊瑚礁。As a boy, Cousteau loved the coral reefs in the sea.

然而,珊瑚礁也是自然界厮杀的战场。Coral reefs, however, are also natural battlefields.

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灰神仙鱼是常见的居民珊瑚礁。Gray angelfish are common inhabitants of coral reefs.

晶莹剔透的水域和原始的珊瑚礁围绕着该岛。Crystal waters and pristine reefs surround the island.

戴着呼吸器的潜水员潜入水底,朝珊瑚礁游了过去。The scuba diver submerged and swarm toward a coral reef.

只需一个珊瑚礁,它们每年就能把它变成好几吨的细沙。On a single reef, they can produce tons of it every year.

环状珊瑚岛和珊瑚礁由石珊瑚的骨骼形成。Atolls and coral reefs from the stony coral skeleton form.

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当它游泳时,会沿着珊瑚礁边缘笨拙地游动。When it swims, it bumbles slowly along the side of a reef.

那些渔业公司却认为珊瑚礁的衰落与他们无关。The fish firms deny any direct link with the coral decline.

凯文到垦丁浮潜,看到了美丽的珊瑚礁。Kevin went snorkeling in Kenting to see the beautiful coral.

这个庞大的珊瑚礁结构是更甚于敬畏的水压起重机所能做出的结果。The vast structures that result do more than awe snorkelers.

在珊瑚礁中生存有点象生活在美黑床的光线照射下一样。Living on a coral reef is a bit like living in a tanning bed.

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这个热带小岛周围长满了珊瑚礁。This tiny tropical island is girdled round with a coral reef.

在落潮时,部分的珊瑚礁露出水面形成珊瑚岛。In the ebb, the part of the formation of coral atolls surface.

石油钻塔珊瑚礁可以给高达8吨的鱼群提供庇护以及食物。Oil-rig reefs may shelter and feed up to eight tonnes of fish.