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他今晚可以在这里住宿。He can put up here for the night.

廉价和豪华住宿CDG的。CDG, lodging, cheap and luxurious.

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但无论你做什么,住宿集中!But whatever you do, stay focussed!

我为这位旅客提供一夜住宿。I bedded the traveller for a night.

大学生大部分在校住宿。Most college students are boarders.

来玩吧,我们会给你提供住宿的。Come visit, we'll find a bed for you.

有人通知他,让他离开他所住宿的旅馆。He was told to have out of the hotel.

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客人可以在住宿期间使用酒店的保龄球道。A sauna and gym are available to guests.

近古亭站。享长期住宿优惠。Near Guting MRT with long stay discount!

控制住宿预付定金。Control of accommodation advance deposits.

您能填一下住宿登记卡吗?。Would you fill out this registration card?

我住在一间五星级酒店,住宿如同皇帝一样。I live like a lord in this five-star hotel.

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士兵们被分派住宿于该村老百姓家中。The soldiers were billeted on the villagers.

您需要校内住宿吗?Will you need on-campus housing arrangement?

我要住宿登记单延长我的签证。I need a proof of residence to extend my visa.

登记员翻阅着预定单和住宿单。The clerk shuffled reservation and room slips.

哪里适合一个穿着平淡无奇的四个孩子的妈妈住宿呢?Where did a no-frills mother of four boys fit?

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因为我昨晚在假日快捷酒店住宿。I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

请你填张住宿登记卡好吗?。Will you please fill in this registration card?

在这家饭店住宿的旅客都有宾至如归的感觉。All travellers find this hotel a home from home.