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“稳妥”之船从未能从岸边走远。"and" boat never gets far from shore.

稳妥和可靠,意思是重复的。"Safe" and "reliable" are tautological.

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把钱交给银行保管是个稳妥的方法。It is safe to give the money to the bank for keeping.

大部分人会选择稳妥方案。Most people actually go with the play-it-safe option.

我也很高兴自己发现了更慢,更稳妥的致富之路。I’m glad to have discovered the slow, sure path to wealth.

我们若力求事奉神,未来由神掌管是再稳妥不过了。And that's the best place for it to be as we seek to serve God!

我们会跟该位农友接触,希望能够将有关狗只稳妥地绑好。We will contact that farmer and hope the dog will be tied safely.

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其实,这倒是预防他们之间结亲的唯一稳妥的办法。It is, in fact, the only sure way of providing against the connexion.

和棋对彭来说是合适的,所以她应该下得更稳妥些。A draw would suit Peng, so she should have played more conservatively.

这个过程将会伴着令人满意的技巧性、安全性和稳妥性而被执行。The process will be executed with great finesses, sureness and certitude.

稳妥起见,莎莎建议你将行车路线图印在邀请函上。Steadily, Sasa suggests that you will route map printed on the invitation.

数学知识是确定无疑的,它给人们在沼泽地上提供了一个稳妥的立足点。Mathematical knowledge was certain and offered a secure foothold in a morass.

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我们得先把这些窗户关严,把一切都料理得十分稳妥才走。We must fasten up these windows, and leave all as secure as we can behind us.

我觉得我们可以稳妥地估计一旦灵魂下了地狱,他就出不来了。I think we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it does not leave.

有哪位总统曾持续遵循过一个稳妥的经济理论么?Has there ever been a President who consistently pursued sound economic theory?

为什么他们要相信拍卖利率债券会跟现金一样稳妥呢?Why, then, should they believe that auction-rate securities are as good as cash?

北岛告戒人们要警惕如此「万物正重新命名」的稳妥。Kitajima caution people to guard against such an "all things being re-named" sound.

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选择正方形或长方形的会更好,因为这样的容器对方起来比较方便、比较稳妥。Square- and rectangle-shaped containers are a good choice because they stack easily.

他们都选择了可以想象中的最为稳妥的投资方式——美国政府债券。They've all looked to the safest investment they could imagine—U.S. government debt.

将标本稳妥安装在夹具内,置于INSTAON-4505轴向压缩机上。The samples then were fixed into fixture, and put onto INSTAON-4505 axial compressor.