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登记功能。Enrollment functions.

在那儿办理登记手续?Where can I check in ?

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他是在12点15分登记入住的。He checked in at 12.15.

车辆登记数?。Number of Registered Vehicle?

都在VICAP数据库中有登记。All were inthe VICAP database.

给中国的植物登记造册Cataloging the plants of China

哪些儿童会获登记成为助养儿童?How does a child get sponsored?

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重新登记和其他问题。Re-registration and other issues.

她已为我登记坐下一个航班。She booked me down for next flight.

您在不来梅登记过吗?Sind Sie hier in Bremen angemeldet?

在那之后,登记费用会上涨。After that, registration prices go up.

登记手续,并到劳动保障行政部门办理变更备案手续。Labour and Social Security department.

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请查一下李先生是否登记过了。Please check if Mr. Lee is registered.

应该推行穆斯林登记制吗?Should there be a registry of Muslims?

离开大楼前签名登记离开。Sign out before you exit the building.

你在投票前必先登记。You must register before you can vote.

冠军血统和养犬登记。Champion bloodlines and AKC registered.

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你们的登记名册上共有多少人?How many names are there on your books?

请尽早登记,以免向隅。Register early to avoid disappointment.

汽车登记注明车主为拉尔夫·霍奇斯。The car was registered to Ralph Hodges.