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突破了传统英汉双解词典的编撰思路和模式。It has breaked the mould of traditional dictionary.

她表示已有计划为该系列编撰一本百科全书。She has said she plans an encyclopedia on the series.

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但是编撰这份清单的工作人员告诉我们它的涵盖面还远远不够完善。But those who compile the list say it is far from comprehensive.

我们编撰本词典的目的就是为你组织整理所有这些数据。We?ve compiled thi dictionary to hel organize all that data for you.

加入俱乐部,校园广播站,年鉴编撰,大学生联谊会或是大学女生联谊会。Join a club, campus radio station, yearbook staff, frat, or sorority.

阮元是清代重臣,也是一位著名的图书编撰家。Ruan Yuan was an important minister and a famous author of Jin Dynasty.

美国联邦消防署编撰每州对住宅烟雾警报器的准则。The USFA compiled state-by-state residential guidelines for smoke alarms.

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我也会编撰词典纪录故事中出现过的专有词。I also compiled dictionaries with the terminology that appears in the story.

第三章,论述了清中期南明史编撰状况。The third chapter is about the compilation state in mid period of Qing Dynasty.

对“史表”价值进行总结,对于推动当前的历史编撰工作具有积极的意义。By our summarizing, it will creat active meaning for history compilatory by now.

他以小说史料为核心的编撰结构,自成体系。His created a five-way system of with the core structure of materials of novels.

这条引证让我想到了计算机技术给词典编撰所带来的变革。This citation leads me to reflect on the change in dictionaries brought by computers.

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大约在公元700年,一个叫做伊德弗里斯的人开始编撰这本书。Sometime around the year 700 a fellow named Eadfrith began to work on producing this book.

下面是我在假期拍摄的照片,为中文维基的条目编撰而上传,希望你喜欢。Below are the pictures I took during holidays. I use them for the articles in Wiki. Enjoy it!

德国的卡塞尔造就和孕育了格林兄弟编撰的童话故事。Kassel, Germany is the heart and birthplace of the fairytales authored by the Brothers Grimm.

因而,由陈国灿教授承担本书的编撰,自是众望所归。Thus, by Professor Chen Guocan undertake the compilation of this book, naturally be welcomed.

其中不少资料对我们研究汉魏六朝文学和后世文人传记的编撰,具有极大价值。There are a lot of worthy data in the book for us to study the literature in Han and Wei, Jin.

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世卫组织的就业网站编撰了关于当前空缺职位和招聘合同类型的清单。The WHO employment site compiles a list of current vacancies and types of recruitment contracts.

一本编撰修订好的辞典在送去排版的那一刻起就已经过时。A printed and bound dictionary starts going out of date the moment the text is sent to the typesetters.

他还首开私人编撰书目的先例,在目录学和谱牒学方面也成绩卓著。He initiated the bibliographic compilation and fulfilled great achievement in bibliography and genealogy.