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目击与猜测。Eyewitnesses and guesswork.

目击了这一奇异的景象。A curious spectacle was witnessed.

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我目击了这次事故。I saw the accident with my own eyes.

他们目击了几起巷战。They witnessed several street battles.

我们很少目击过这样的灾难。Seldom do we witness such catastrophes.

这个汽车司机目击了一场恐怖的事故。The busman witnessed a terrible accident.

艾玛雷诺兹在布里克斯顿目击了打砸抢Emma Reynolds in Brixton witnessed looting

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有人目击这次抢劫吗?Is there anyone who witnessed the robbery?

我从我的小鼠洞目击这些事件。I witnessed them all from my tiny mousehole.

其继父目击她被塞进一辆车带走。Her stepfather saw her being bundled into a car.

至少有三名过路人目击了那次事故。At least three passers-by witnessed the accident.

所以很少人会让媒体目击他们在做什么。Few will let the media in to witness what they do.

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我想他们是站在那儿,充当目击证人吧。I think they had them standing there as witnesses.

目击证人能够证实所有的证词。The eyewitness can substantiate all the testimony.

DNA可以替人洗冤,但是目击证人呢?DNA Frees Innocent Man, But What About Eyewitnesses?

你现在成为他罪案调查的目击证人了。You are now a witness in his criminal investigation.

下一次目击报告,发生在四年后的巴塞罗纳。The next sighting occurred four years later in Barcelona.

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吉娜必须出庭作证,因为她目击了一件刑案。Gina had to appear in court because she witnessed a crime.

对当时所发生的有不同的目击报告。There were differing eyewitness accounts of what happened.

目击证人称看见他脚步踉跄,神情呆滞。Witnesses describe seeing him stumbling and looking glazed.