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他们步测了跑道。They walked the track.

跑道未清除,拉起复飞。Clear ice on the runway.

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将玫瑰撒向我们人生的跑道。Strews roses on our way.

它有非常好的跑道。It has a really good track

飞机着陆未达飞机跑道。The plane undershot the runway.

这是一条非常宽的跑道。This is a very wide racecourse.

飞机疾驰飞离了跑道。The plane span out of the runway.

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跑道上机场专车来回穿梭。The airport shuttle on the runway.

飞机在跑道上滑行。The plane taxied along the runway.

飞机沿着跑道滑行。The plane taxied along the runway.

我们看着喷射机沿跑道滑行。An airplane taxiing down the runway.

滑行在宽阔跑道上的华航客机。CAL plane taxiing to the wide runway.

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他沿着跑道骑马奔驰。He galloped the horse along the track.

请求用36R跑道优先着陆。Request priority landing at runway 36R.

上饶客车奔驰在高速跑道。Shangrao bus running in the expressway.

飞机正沿跑道滑行。The airplane is taxiing down the runway.

马都在沿著跑道宾士。The horses came pounding along the track.

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在机场跑道附近有一个野营地。There is a camp ground near the run ways.

他或者沿跑道跑跑步或者打打球。He runs round the track or plays ball games.

岛上甚至有私家飞机跑道。The island even has its own private airstrip.