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他在找办法脱身。He fumbles for a way out.

他没有脱身机会。He had no chance to get away.

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的确我们喜欢从工作中脱身休息。Certainly we like to take time off work.

你没法子脱身的,你能吗?You can’t just duck out on that, can you?

朱孝廉自己也陷入了爱情的困境,难以脱身。Zhu himself gets tangled in a love dilemma.

我最初开始散步是作为一种脱身之计。I first took up walking as a means of escape.

你所需的救度,就是由那些念头脱身出来。And so it is from them that you need to be saved.

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它们被布满诱饵的长长的鱼线缠住无法脱身。Many get tangled in mile-long lines laced with bait.

饵的长长的鱼线缠住无法脱身。Many get tangled in mile-long lines laced with bait.

要想责难,要想体面地脱身,已经没有时间了。This is no time for reproaches or dignified farewells.

然后开始探索让你自己从这些不必要的行为中脱身而出的方法。Then, start to explore ways to unravel yourself from it.

主动交手这些任务,你的上司会由于从这些复杂事面脱身而口怀感激。Volunteer to take on the nasty tasks that annoy your boss.

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而在其他时间,如果日本能脱身,道歉连门都没有。In other time it is no apology at all if Japan can get away.

狗一抖动,向心力就使水脱身而出。When the dog shakes, centripetal forces pull the water away.

不正式地定义契约,服务器怎么可能得以脱身?How can a server get away without formally defining a contract?

你在没有掌握具体的业务技能时是无法脱身的。You just can't get away without mastering specific business skills.

席勒,也只有在歌德面前,才觉得有必要脱身而出。Schiller, Goethe only in the face, only feel the need to escape out.

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得了吧,你真的认为有办法能让我们从这场战争中脱身?Come on. Did you really think there was a way we could come out ahead?

他们总是出现在那些糟糕的黑白影片里,作为一个愚蠢的脱身手段。They always appear in bad noir films, as the means of a stupid escape.

而无法脱身的卢伊萨只好让卡白白等了她一个晚上。And never get out to let the rugh in surrey waited her a card at night.