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他们拉帮结派,狼狈为奸。They ganged up and acted in collusion with each other.

他说,有人开始离职,公司内部也出现了拉帮结派的现象。We had people derailing . And we were starting to see factions develop.

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我们是一个大家庭,最讨厌的就是有人在这里拉帮结派影响团结!We are a big family. It is disgusting that some people form cliques and shatter unity.

你或许以为高中毕业就告别了拉帮结派和成群结队的生活。You might think you left the world of cliques and in-crowds behind when you left high school.

他说,有人开始离职,公司内部也出现了拉帮结派的现象。He said that some people started to leave, the company also appeared in the phenomenon of a clique.

在与以色列军队交战之余,年轻的武装人员拉帮结派,相互拼抢地盘。Skinny gunmen in their 20s menaced each other’s territory in gang turf wars when not battling Israeli troops.

向老师、同学问好,尊敬师长,团结同学。让学习生活充满笑声,不拉帮结派,打架斗殴。Say hello to the teachers and students, respect for teachers and students to unite. So that life is full of laughter, not a fight.

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会员必须遵纪守法,不许参加非法组织,不得拉帮结派或参加打架斗殴。Third, members must abide by the law, not allowed to participate in an illegal organization, not a clique or participating in fights.

当所谓文明社会拉帮结派对付一个小国,摧毁数代人建立起来的基础设施,是好是坏?When the so-called civilized society, a clique against a small country, built for generations to destroy the infrastructure is good or bad?

这倒不失为一种避免拉帮结派的理想手段,否则大伙的情谊就会走样,埋下怨恨的种子。It was the ideal method for ensuring that no one was friends with anyone, or else that our friendships were unhealthy and based on resentment.

成了战场,拉帮结派互相攻击不管是他们谁的错但我们网民又哪里错了你们可以找个操场对打但请不要动我的电脑!Became a battlefield, the curtain with attacks whether they whose fault but we netizens and where you can find a wrong playground kumite but please don't move my computer!

花旗集团与许多华尔街公司一样,长期以来一直笼罩在一种根深蒂固的政治文化氛围之中,其中还包括势力范围分割、拉帮结派和权力斗争等不良习气。He is known for not making enemies at a bank that, like many Wall Street firms, has long had an entrenched political culture complete with fiefdoms, cliques, and power struggles.

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此时英国正试图在阿拉伯人和犹太人之间拉帮结派,沙特国王对罗斯福承诺在未与阿拉伯人首先协商的情况下,不会对巴勒斯坦采取行动的做法表示满意。The Saudi king was pleased that Roosevelt promised to take no action on Palestine—where Britain was trying to hold the ring between Arabs and Jews—without first consulting the Arabs.

如果你怀疑某些员工私下拉帮结派以寻求支持,就尽最大努力无视他们的把戏,对眼前的问题保持一个客观的态度。If you suspect that employees are making side deals to get support for their agendas, do your best to ignore these shenanigans and keep an objective perspective about the issues at hand.