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希望赶着和认定你。Hope hurries up and finds you.

他们最后认定是银雾。They decided it was Silvermist.

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陪审团认定吉迪恩无罪。The jury found Gideon not guilty.

哥是个死心眼,认定你了!Costa Rica is a one-track mind, found you!

侵占罪的认定问题。The respect asserted of embezzlement crime.

那么如何认定这些革命卫队公司呢?How, then, can IRGC companies be identified?

但妈妈却认定奶嘴有让我窒息的危险。But Mom decided soother was a choking hazard.

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经注册的价格鉴证师不需认定。If you are not a subscriber, please register.

因此,他们认定自己正行进在正确的轨道上。So, they said, they must be on the right track.

她认定,断网断电的想法还是很不错的。The idea of unplugging was good, she’d decided.

我们已认定发愁是没用的,丁尼。We've decided that it's no use to worry, Dinny.

已经认定了的目标不能再改换。The goal that was named cannot be countermanded.

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法官认定他的罪行十恶不赦。The judge found him guilty of unpardonable evil.

但是东芝认定AACS的安全性已足够。But Toshiba decided that AACS was enough security.

美国人认定潘科夫斯基的事是一种圈套。The americans decided penkovsky was a provocation.

在海恩斯维尔,我被认定为“虐待动物”。In Hinesville, I was accosted for "animal cruelty."

也是他们认定废奴主义者很危险的理由之一It's one of the reasons Abolitionists are dangerous.

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法庭作出判决认定受害方犯有共同过失。The court made a finding of contributory negligence.

虽然大多数美国人已经认定杜鲁门必输无疑。Most Americans still believed that Truman would lose.

当地法官认定这个青年犯了辱骂他人罪。Magistrates found the youth guilty of abusive behavior.