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价格高得令人望而怯步。The price is on the high side.

近在身边的一个人望著福尔斯特直乐。A man nearby was watching forster with amusement.

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我父亲助他人望自止车,他事情时光很长。My father watches bicycles. He works very long hours.

现在,贬值货币的代价看起来高得让人望而怯步。Now, the costs of devaluing appear prohibitively high.

杜鲁门越来越不得人望,杜威看来气势如虹。Given Truman's sinking popularity, Dewey seemed unstoppable.

望来,假如有一个人望的南瓜了!It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin!

当看到其他人望向我的那惊奇的眼神,我似乎明白了一些什么。I seemed to know anything when I saw the eye of surprise from others.

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桑代尔在亚洲的人望,反映出三种趋势的交点。Sandel’s popularity in Asia reflects the intersection of three trends.

但是这样却使很多人望而怯步,到头来一点运动也没做。But this puts a lot of people off, and they end up not exercising at all.

黄晨的地面,正在人望来,象一扇窗户,一盏灯水,灯水。The evening sky to me is like a window, and a lighted lamp, and a waiting behind it.

小萼朝卡车上的人望著,她说,我不想吃,我们得上去了。Sepal stared at the people on the camion, and said I had no appetite, we'd better hurry up.

小矮人望着将军“将军,我所要求的是能与你们并肩作战。”The smaller man held the general’s gaze. “Sir, all I’m asking is that you give me a chance.”

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气定神闲一路领跑的不只是速度,还有别人望而兴叹的幸福。Lead calmly at all the way is not only the speed , that both with the well-being and others' envy.

当看到其他人望向我的那惊奇的眼神,我似乎明白了一些什么。When you see that other people look at me by a kind of surprised eyes, I seem to understand something.

他们履行了精神领袖的职责,从而替这些人赢来人望和后世的永远的敬仰。It was the exercise of moral leadership that won these men their popularity and the lasting regard of later generations.

当我们说,某某人的个性很冲,常常暗指的是那个人的控制欲高,让人望之生畏。When we say, so and so has a strong personality, it usually means that his personality is dominating and intimidating others.

这是一本共848页给人印象深刻的书,但却因不匪的价格使得许多渴望更好了解这一学科的人望其项背。It is an impressive 848 pages but at its high price, remains inaccessible to most who want to understand the discipline better.

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而当我绕过木棚在泥泞的路上拐弯时,又从另一个角度朝老人望了一眼,这时我下意识地突然停住了脚步。And when I bypass the woodshed at the mud on the road when turning, and from another angle, looked toward the elderly, when my subconscious suddenly stopped.

在接下来的数十年里要被发明出的东西,真是令人望而生叹,尤其对于有软件才能的人来说。The kinds of things that are going to be invented over the next several years is just to me outstanding, and particularly for somebody who's got skills in software.

丹里维表示,对英国人而言,战后历史上人望最高的总统是卡特和柯林顿,因为他们一望可知稳健冷静又聪明过人。To Britons, history's most popular postwar presidents were Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton because of their perceived levelheadedness and intelligence, said Dunleavy.