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大胆夺命书生!竟敢在此捣乱?!How dare you mess up here?

其中一个是夺命书生。One is called 'Evil Scholar'.

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一个矮胖的书生模样的士兵说道。A soldier of dumpy scholar shape say.

夺命书生,当年你用计打赢了我爹。Evil Scholar, you trapped my dad in te duel.

大家认为书生是个不错的结婚对象。Shusheng was regarded as an eligible bachelor.

皇爷,就是因为书生夺命剑威力太惊人。Your Majesty, since my 'Evil Sword' is powerful.

魏书生育人观的基本内涵。The basic meaning of Wei Shesheng's view about rearing.

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书生受此打击,一病不起。The scholar is subjected to this stroke, a disease not.

书生受此打击,一病不起。Subjecting the student strikes, which he never recovered.

梅陇镇上,王洵是最有才华的书生。In Meilong Town, Wang Xun is the most brilliant intellectual.

所以当今兵器谱上,书生夺命剑是排行第三。So, on the weapon list, the Evil Scholar is the 1st runner-up.

然后我特爱离开时和尚跟书生说的那段“幻若人生”。Then I love leaving monk and scholar said that" if life magic".

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矮胖的书生模样的士兵赶紧掏出笔记下。The soldier of dumpy scholar shape hurriedly take out notes bottom.

你爹锁有想到夺命书生连纯钢制造的枪头都拆得断。He couldn't imagine 'Evil Scholar' ruined the steel made spear-head.

书生突然把车向左转,而这一举动挽救了他的性命。Shusheng swerved the car to the left and that swerve saved his life.

白蛇精与一位书生相爱并生一子。White Snake fell in love with a young scholar and gave birth to son.

书生看到茫茫大海,一名遇害女子一丝不挂的地躺在沙滩上。See the sea, a scholar who murdered the woman was to lie on the beach.

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白蛇精与一位书生相爱并生一子。White Snake fell in love with a young scholar and gave birth to a son.

当书生白鹤再次回到了当初与爱人相遇的地方。When the scholar revisits their first meeting place, he feels heartbreaking.

魏书生是我国著名的教育家,他被称为我国素质教育的一面旗帜。Wei Shusheng is a famous educator, he was known as a banner of quality education.