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展望了该领域未来的研究方向。And the future study is previewed.

展望了菊粉的应用前景。It predicts the prospect of inulin.

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青年人展望未来,老年人眷念过去。Youth look forward and age backward.

最后,展望了VDSL的发展前景。Finally, we give the prospect of VDSL.

然而展望未来,NIESR预计成长将放慢.However, NIESR saw slower growth ahead.

第6章结论与展望。The 6th chapter conclusion and forecast.

我们应该展望未来。We should look for ward to the futurity.

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投资展望会改变一切。An investment outlook changes everything.

我们的城市果真还会有‘对未来的展望’吗?Are there any future outlook on our city?

第8章为总结与展望部分。Chapter 8 is the summary and forecasting.

展望后,布道,保罗高更。Vision after the Sermon, by Paul Gauguin.

第5章为结论与展望。Chapter five, the conclusion and expectation.

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制订计划、展望未来。Formulating the plans. Forecasting the future.

展望过上更加环保的生活方式吗?Looking to lead a more eco-friendly lifestyle?

展望来日诰日,我们豪情满怀。Looking to tomorrow, we are filled with pride.

第五章,研究结论与未来展望。Chapter 5, the conclusions and future prospects.

但是对新业务的展望还为时过早了。But the expectation of new business is premature.

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第5章本论文的总结与展望。Charter 5 is summary and prospect of this thesis.

我从不展望未来。它来得够快的了。I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.

这是基于事实的展望或异想天开?Is this a fact-based forecast or wishful thinking?