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这是您的零头和收条。Here is your change and your receipt.

零头盒应拆开清点。清点后重新装盒,并贴上零头盒标签。The odd ones shall be re-packed and put on odd label.

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你经常能够只花原价的一个零头就买到九成新的货品。You can often get "nearly new" for a fraction of the cost.

和HDMI连接线相比,以太网网线的价格只是一个零头。Ethermet cables are a fraction of the price of HDMI connectors.

普通一本典型的科学畅销书也只是这个数的零头而已。A typical science best seller will move a tiny fraction of that number.

早在二十世纪初,长洲的捕捞船队就已接近1,000支,但到七十年代中却仅余下个零头。Early in the 20th century its fishing fleet numbered nearly 1,000 boats.

你看零头儿为什么老是男孩儿的打扮而且从来不留头发?You see odd change son why forever the foppery of boy's son and never stay cilia?

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尽管按当地标准来说,这个价格几近奢侈,但和北京相比,也只能算个零头。While pricey by local standards, that's still a fraction of what homes cost in the capital.

鼎盛时期,有五万人居住在这里,但是现在的人口连个零头都不到。At its peak, fifty thousand people had lived there, but now only a fraction of the population was left.

那么,为什么现在的非洲农业发展基金只是三十年前的基金的一个零头?So why are funds for agricultural development in Africa only a fraction of what they were a generation ago?

尽管在黄金采掘方面的投资增长巨大,但是产量却不及过去十年黄金产量的一个零头。But, despite the huge surge in investment, it was only a few flakes more than the total output a decade ago.

作为一名著名的埃及学家,他过去最成功的著作,销量也没有这本书的一个零头多。As a famous Egyptologist, his most successful work in the past, just sold less than an oddment of this book's sales.

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不过,其实,一旦你花了数千美元把你和家人送到了山顶,午餐的花费就只是一个零头了。But really, once you've spent thousands to get you and your family atop that mountain, lunch is a mere rounding error.

无论都不想只赚一些零头,也不想销量曲线如瀑布直线下降,这是一些乐观的出版商们所期望的在苹果商店的表现。Not peanuts, by any means, but not the cascade of riches some optimistic publishers might be hoping for on Apple's store.

尽管鞍钢的收购交易按合同额来说只是中海油收购交易的一个零头,如今的风险却要大的多。Although the dollar amount of the Anshan transaction is only a fraction of the Cnooc bid, the stakes are much higher today.

英国国防部装备销售网站上还出售顶级名表,售价也就是实际价值的一个零头。The MoD’s Defence Equipment &Sales website also has top-class watches which are likely to be sold for a fraction of their value.

支持和平队的人说,和平队推进了美国外交政策提出的目标,而所花费用只是美国军费的一个小得不能再小的零头。Peace Corps supporters say it furthers America’s foreign policy goals at an infinitesimal cost compared to the U.S. military budget.

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平均算到个人头上,如今收发信息的成本只有互联网早期时收发信息成本的一个小小零头。For every individual, the cost of sending and receiving information is a tiny fraction of what it was during the Internet's early days.

如果中国没有出去把一大块零头花在石油上的话,也许他们会剩下一点发展自己的清洁能源经济。Maybe if China didn't just go out and spend a big chunk of change on oil, they would have some left for their own clean energy economy.

有个人想要说服我们,他告诉我们应该把整套百科全书做成一张计算机光盘,只卖现在的价格的零头。One person tried to tell us that we should put our whole encyclopedia on a single computer disk and sell it for a fraction of the cost.