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宗庙于1394年建成,曾被认为是亚洲最长的建筑之一。When it was built in 1394 is was thought to be one of the longest buildings in Asia.

只是它的作用已仅限于在宗庙之中,协调人神之间的关系了。Its role was limited in ancestral temples to mediate the relation between gods and men.

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宗庙用于供奉朝鲜王朝王室祖先灵位的祠堂,它深受儒家传统的影响。The shrine is dedicated to the spirits of the ancestors of the royal family of the Joseon Dynasty.

宗庙位于首尔,于1995年被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。The Jongmyo Shrine was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Site list in 1995 and is located in Seoul.

看过一些藏式宗庙建筑的人一定也不会忘记它们金光闪闪的屋顶,这个习俗也被运用到了服装上。If you have saw the Tibetan temples, you will never forgotten the brilliant roof, which is also applied to the clothing.

看过一些藏式宗庙建筑的人一定也不会忘记它们金光闪闪的屋顶,这个习俗也被运用到了服装上。If you have been some Tibetan temples must not forget their golden roofs, this custom has also been applied to the clothing.

远古宗庙豢养用以祭祀天地、列祖列宗的肥犬叫做"献"。Xian", a fat dog as a religious sacrifice to gods and ancestors in ancient times, was raised in ancestral temples of China."

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不过,庙见是对宗庙的先人灵位行礼,而拜堂则主要是对现世的长辈行礼叩拜。However, the temple is the temple to salute the bride, and their additional are mainly to salute the elders of the earthly worship.

元代宗庙神主的位向与位次排列亦有一定历史与经典依据,万氏的指斥也有片面之处。The positions and position arrangement of Yuan temple gods have some historical and classical traces, so Wan's criticism was biased.

当他们把约柜放在他们的宗庙里时,在第二天早上惊奇地发现他们极受崇拜的偶像-大衮的头和手神奇失踪了。When they placed it in their temple, the idol of their god Dagon was found the next morning with its head and hands mysteriously gone.

于是武侯在宗庙的大殿设置了席位,分前、中、后三排宴请士大夫。Thereupon Lord Wu had sitting mats set out in the ancestral temple hall, arranged in three tiers, and help feast for officers and chief officials.

作为祭祖行为外在物化体现的宗庙制度、陵寝制度在两汉正处在变革时期,祭祖活动也随之发生变化。To be the reflecting of fete progenitor, temple system and tomb system are in a change period, which lead the sacrificial active was changed with them.

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山东省曲阜市的孔庙是包括孔子及其后裔的宗庙等在内的庞大建筑群。The Temple of Confucius is located in Qufu City, Shandong Province. It is a huge compound housing the ancestral temples of Confucius and his descendents.

他的政教艺术需求,推动了汉代宗庙乐的制作和汉初反思文学的涌现。His religious and political artistic needs promoted the production of temple music and the flourish of the introspective literature at the beginning of Han dynasty.

本文即是通过考察比较两汉宗庙制度、陵寝制度,对两汉时期的祭祖活动及其发展变化做出说明和分析。Compared with ancestral temple system and mausoleum system of the Han Dynasty, this article tries to explain and analyze its sacrificial activities and developments.

纵使如此,由于受不同历史时期政治、经济、思想、学术诸因素错综复杂影响,汉唐时期皇帝宗庙制度也时常处于动态,而非静态的变化过程中。Due to the impacts of various political, ideological, and academic factors in different periods, however, the emperor's AT rites experienced a dynamic process of evolution.

宴会结束以后从宗庙出来,又在庙门之外赏赐有功人员的父母妻室,也以功绩大小分别等级。When the feast was over and they came out, Lord Wu also honored the parents and families of the meritorious outside the temple gate, again according to their accomplishments.

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这和我们中国人传统中的“合二姓之好,上以事宗庙,而下以继后事也”的婚配思想何等相似。This is our Chinese tradition of "combining two names a good thing, on the basis of our ancestral temple , and next in order following the funeral also" similar to what the mating idea.

在周朝,以“孙”来称呼宗子的习惯与他作为家族宗庙祭祀活动的特殊地位有关。In Zhou Dynasty, the Custom of addressing the family leader by "sun" may be explained in relation to his privileged position as the grand-child in the family's temple sacrifice activity.

早期秦的持之以恒、对外来文化的包容吸纳且不保守的精神,在早期秦的墓葬文化、宗庙祭祀文化中都有很好的体现。In the spirit culture in the early stage of Qin, the spirit of the perseverance, tolerance and absorption of foreign cultures were well represented in Burial Culture and Confucian Ritual Culture.