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这场火灾起因可疑。The fire is of suspicious origin.

土壤污染的起因是什么?What are the causes of land pollution?

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事故往往起因于粗心。Accidents often arise from care lessness.

但是起因是我吃错了食物。But the cause is my eating the wrong food.

火灾的起因是一个香烟头。The cause of the fire was a cigarette end.

事故的起因是跑道上的一块金属碎片。The cause was a piece of debris on the runway.

不论起因是什么,从根源上查找并认真对待。Whatever the cause is, treat it from the source.

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刺杀时过晕也是起因。Also caused by excessive stunning to sticking time.

而且他还说着好像是我们没有可能的起因。And he's saying things like we got no probable cause.

缓冲区溢出是许多安全性问题的起因。Buffer overflows are the cause of many a security bug.

心情追踪着阴影里一个难以解释的起因。The mood Traced in the shadow An indecipherable cause.

这个台风是造成停电的起因。The typhoon is the cause of the electricity black-out.

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那场战争使癌症起因的研究工作停滞不前。The war stagnated researches into the causes of cancer.

这种病症可能具有器质性或心理学起因。This condition may be of organic or psychologic origin.

作为一个催眠治疗师,我们可以研究情感上的起因。Being a hypnotherapist, we can work on emotional causes.

抑郁症的症状和起因请看高秀凤博客。Depression symptoms and causes of high Xiufeng see blog.

它起因打结这是很不容易理清。It causes knotting which is not at all easy to untangle.

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好好听,去理解,腐败堕落的起因是什么?Just listen, understand, what is the cause of corruption.

地震是房屋倒塌的起因。The earthquake was the occasion of the building's collapse.

它起因于分子团内部的能量或电荷转移。It was due to energy or charge transfer within the clusters.