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死神似犹尚未降临,可她却摸不出脉象。She had no pulse, but death seemed absent still.

他画的奔马,栩栩如生,极其神似。The galloping horses he paints are extremely lifelike.

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他的音乐动听,有节奏感,和老卡的音乐风格神似。Catchy, rhythmical and not unlike the music of Karunesh.

在强调神似的同时不要忘记形似。Form should not be forgotten while emphasis is laid on spiritual resemblance.

李小龙的女儿李香凝为价值30万美元、神似父亲的蜡像揭幕。Lee's daughter Shannon unveiled the 300,000 dollar wax likeness of her father.

MQ-1“捕食者”无人机就被展示的飞机之中,它看起来与空军广告中的无人机有几分神似。Among the aircraft is an MQ-1 Predator, similar to the drone from the Air Force ad.

妹媚外表长得和父亲很神似,相对地,我就比较像母亲。My sister takes after my father in appearance. On the other hand, I take after my mother.

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此外,两人除了肤色和发式之外长的颇为神似。In addition, two people in addition to hair color and style outside the spirit is quite long.

这个展厅神似一艘豪华游艇,既像一只优雅的白鸽,又像一名现代舞者。Its description lies somewhere between a glorious yacht, a graceful dove, and a modern dancer.

罗曼·波兰斯基执导的新片出现了好莱坞电影里最神似的托尼·布莱尔。ROMAN POLANSKI’S new film may be the closest Tony Blair will ever get to a Hollywood makeover.

可她之后的一句话让我哑口无言,她告诉我,我跟耶稣长相神似。Then, in a comparison that left me speechless, she told me I bore a striking resemblance to Jesus.

它从某个特殊的角度看上去很自然地与阿里神似,但它的存在是如此有力。Naturally, it only looks like Ali from one particular angle, but its presence is powerful nonetheless.

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这是一次非常神似的逆行回归,所以务必做好相应的准备。This is a rerun of that same retrograde, so prepare accordingly. Stock your e-reader and have a Plan B.

形似与神似是英汉翻译中两个相互关联的因素。Form similarity and spirit similarity are two factors related to each other in English-Chinese translation.

在给罗马广场写生时,震惊于它与古老的堪萨斯城畜牧围栏的神似”。While I was sketching the Roman Forum, I was struck by how much it looked like the old Kansas City stockyards.

因此,她制作的绢人不仅形似,而且神似,达到了情景交融的高超境界。As a result, she produced not only the shape of silk, and spirit to reach a high level of integration scenarios.

其喻的本体与喻体大都具有形似与神似浑然天成且情趣盎然的深层特色。Both of the noumenon and metaphor object have deep characteristic, they are similar in form and alike in spirit.

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Flash的淡化,意味着更多的设计师和开发者将会带着几分神似的手机走上车船。Flash Lite means that more designers and developers will get on board with mobile with something which is familiar.

在现实生活中,这位出类拔萃的人物并不起眼,他有点书呆子气,长得和伍迪·艾伦颇为神似。In real life, the transcendent man is an unimposing figure who could pass for Woody Allen's even nerdier younger brother.

这时他受到的不寻常的个人崇拜,对于年轻人神似的吸引力,突然都成了不祥的征兆。His unusual personal piety, his guru-like attraction to the young men of the city, suddenly seemed to have a sinister tinge.