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他们由于漫天要价而把自己赶出了世界市场。They priced themselves out of the world market.

他们企图向我漫天要价,但我没同意。They tried to overcharge me, but I didn't agree.

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我不吃没有营养又漫天要价的那些垃圾食品。I am not eating luxurious dishes without nutrition.

一杯茶卖60便士,简直是漫天要价。It's daylight robbery to charge 60 pence for a cup of tea.

只要还有一丝理智,任何一个漫天要价的人都会拿着福特开出的赔偿走人了。I mean, any rational holdup artist would have taken the money.

这商人向迈克漫天要价也太没个谱了。The businessman had gone too far in raising the market upon Mike.

房间小,服务态度差,还漫天要价。The rooms are small, the service is surly and they're overpriced.

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我的报价以符合逻辑利润为依据,否则漫天要价。My offer were based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.

那家海滨旅馆在夏天休假期间漫天要价。That seaside hotel charges exorbitant prices during the summer holidays.

有的小贩漫天要价,坑骗外地游客。Some vendors hoodwink outside tourists by charging them exorbitant prices.

而且,企业的主管除了支付漫天要价的手续费,也别无他法。Corporate chiefs may feel they have little choice but to pay what they are charged.

对于俱乐部来说,世界杯则是他们讨价还价漫天要价的砝码之一。For the clubs, the tournament can alter their bargaining positions and distort asking prices.

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店主知道他的鸡奇货可居,所以就漫天要价,我也只能不情愿地挨宰了。The shop-keeper, aware of his chicken monopoly, demands an outrageous price, which I reluctantly pay.

财政困难的西汉姆漫天要价以吓退英超的利物浦、热刺和斯托克城。Cash-strapped Hammers will demand a massive fee to scare off Premier League rivals Liverpool, Spurs and Stoke.

据报道,这个专营店给导游带来的外国游客作了诊断而且对所售药品漫天要价。The outlet reportedly diagnosed foreign tourists brought in by tour guides and charged them obscene prices for medicine.

我们从不牺牲质量以求在价格战中获胜,我们不会承接价低质劣的工作,亦不会漫天要价。We NEVER discount quality in order to win price competition. We do not underprice jobs, but we do not charge high either.

军事观察家们指出,乌克兰如此“漫天要价”是要彻底断掉俄罗斯续租塞瓦斯托波尔的念头。The military observers pointed out that Ukraine so asks an outrageous price is must be cut off Russia to relet Sevastopol's thought thoroughly.

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本质上的确如此,但世界杯也是球员们留下个人烙印的时候,他们用无与伦比的优异表现和恶作剧般的漫天要价引发人们对其前途的关注和兴趣。Of course, but it’s also an opportunity for players to leave their mark with eye-catching performances and mischievous quotes that invite speculation and interest about their future.

要知道,奥德杰狮子大开口是在一个多月前,在那个时间段,正是经纪人漫天要价的时候,许多外援的要价几乎都翻了一番!Must know that the Orde outstanding lion big aperture is more than one months ago, in that time section, is precisely the manager asks an outrageous price, many foreign aids ask a price nearly double!

我们也不会讨论美国的丧葬行业,以及他们如何敲诈百姓,实际上就是这样,在他们悲伤脆弱的时候,对他们提供的各种服务漫天要价。we're not going to talk about the funeral industry in America and how it rips off people, which it does, in their moments of grief and weakness and overcharges them for the various things that it offers.