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还有,谁是那名中间人?And who was the inside man?

他们中的三个是中间人。Three of them are go-between.

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狡猾的无赖不需要有中间人。A crafty knave needs no broker.

他们中的三个是中间人。Three of them were go-betweens.

狡猾的无赖不需求有中间人。A crafty knave commors no broker.

我找一个中间人来干涉。Let me find an intermediary to intervene.

不可能发生中间人攻击man-in-the-middle attacks are not possible

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许多人仍然需要这样的中间人。Many people still want go- betweens of this sort.

所以,网络就成了有史以来最好的中间人。So the web plays the glorious role of middle man.

通过一位中间人,我联系了美国人。Through an intermediary, I contacted the Americans.

瑞典正在扮演中间人的角色。Sweden is playing a role as a go-between on the issue.

我们直接同零件商接触,不经任何中间人。We approach the retailer direct, without any middle-man.

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这就突出了“信息中间人”的角色。That highlights the role of “information intermediaries”.

我们直接和零售商打交道,不经过任何中间人。We approach the retailers directly, without any middleman.

穆斯林与真主之间没有中间人。There are no intermediaries Between God and the worshipper.

这笔生意是由一位值得信赖的中间人安排的。The business was arranged through a trust worthy go-between.

每一个中间人都会以佣金或差价的形式提取份额。Every agent takes a cut in the form of a spread or commission.

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这种技术常常用于帮助防御基于ARP的中间人攻击。It can often help prevent ARP-based Man-in-the-Middle attacks.

中间人攻击是网络攻击的重要手段之一。Man-in-the-middle attack is used wildly in a network attacking.

你求我是没用的,我只不过是一个中间人,要求的人是你自己。It's no use. I'm just an agent. You must solve your own problem.