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一片水浸润的性灵。An capital moistened with water.

性情与灵趣是性灵在袁文中的展现。Sentiments and inspiration are embodiment of Spirituality.

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在这片质感的底色之上,人文的性灵之光熠熠生辉。The light of humanity shines brightly on this quality grounding.

性灵,即人的内在情性、心性、灵性。Soul, namely the inner feelings of the people, nature, spiritual.

动物有生命和性灵,也有道德与恶行,就和我们一样!And animal with a life and spirit, virtues and misdeeds, just like us.

身为社会性灵长类,人类演化出群体内的和睦关系以及群体间的敌对关系。As a social primate, we evolved within-group amity and between-group enmity.

本文以袁枚“性灵说”中“性情”这一点为着眼点展开论述。This thesis researches in the Yuan Mei's poetry theory-"Disposition and Feeling".

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你的性灵与我们同行,你的影子宛如照亮我们脸上的光。You have walked among us a spirit, and your shadow has been a light upon our faces.

明代竟陵派也大力提倡“独抒性灵”。" Jingling in Ming dynasty were also strongly advocated the "independence express soul.

清代以袁枚为首的性灵派,更是格外地强调性灵。Yuan Mei in the Qing dynasty to soul party, headed by is particularly emphasis on the soul.

一幅书法作品凝聚着书家多年的功力和心血,也是书家学养、精神、性灵的结晶。A work of calligraphy is the combination of the author' work and years of painstaking efforts.

因而审美创造是一种超越性存在,是创作者的性灵体验。Thus the esthetic creation is one kind of transcendence existence, is creator's soul experience.

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音乐、富想像力的艺术,以及性灵的觉醒,成了艾欧利亚生活中最重要的面向。Music, visionary art and spiritual awaking became the aspects of most importance in Aeoliah's life.

小山将散曲当作诗来创作,描写山水,抒写性灵。Zhang Kejiu takes Sanqu verse to describe landscapes and to express natural disposition and intelligence.

昔人都把张问陶看作袁枚的信徒,是性灵派的后期传人。Zhang Wentao, inheritor of the Xinling School of its late period, is regarded as one of Yuan Mei's followers.

因为自行车会把你的思绪带回到遥远的过去,也会把你的性灵引入到灿烂的未来。Because his bicycle would bring the feeling back to the past, and introduce the spirituality to the splendid future.

八大的山水笔笔从心坎流出,犹如一首抒情诗,抒写着他的性灵,印证着他的人生,寄寓着他的理想。His landscapes outflow from the heart like a lyric poem, describe his spirit, confirm his life and ignite his ideals.

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此外,他还将幽默、性灵和闲适统一在幽默理论的系统之下。In addition, he unifies the humor, personality and the unbuttoned moods together in the system of the theory of humor.

作者“信口而出,信口而谈”,表现了“独抒性灵,不拘格套”的创作风格和审美指向。The author's "Speaking and Talking at Random" show his creation style of "not stick to the rules" and aesthetic inclination.

当我们和他在一起的时候,我一直有种感觉,好像是和一位性灵的向导在一起。When he visited with us or we with him I always felt that I was sitting in the presence of a great teacher, a spiritual guide.