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参加者是否坐轮椅出席?。Are you a wheelchair user?

是否有轮椅专座呢?Is there wheel chair seat?

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我的轮椅是电动的。My wheelchair is electric.

轮椅女孩越来越活泼。Wheelchair Girl getting frisky.

铝合金运动型轮椅。Sport Aluminum-alloy Wheelchairs.

他坐在轮椅里,面孔朝下低垂着。He sits in a wheelchair, his face lowered.

他的坏腿使他只好整天坐在轮椅上。His bad leg condemned him to a wheelchair.

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超轻量型铝合金看护轮椅。Light weight Aluminum-alloy Transfer chair.

他的断腿迫使他只能坐轮椅。His broken leg condemned him to a wheelchair.

这是给我的轮椅么?我的名字叫刘婕。Is this wheelchair for me? My name is Jie Liu.

他一把抓过轮椅,推着她飞跑起来。He grabbed the wheelchair and pushed her along.

我拒绝了在飞机跑道上使用轮椅。I refused to take a wheelchair down the Jetway.

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茱莉亚和霏欧纳又把安娜贝利抱回了轮椅上。Julia and Fiona pushed Annabel in a wheelchair.

在一个轮椅中的六月,而且乱挤活动他们到他的房间。Jun in a wheelchair, and hustles them to his room.

我年轻的时候,我们有一个坐轮椅的表妹在。When I was young, we had a cousin in a wheelchair.

铝合金高级轮椅背部可折叠。Aluminum -alloy Wheelchair with Fold-down backrest.

其中一项挑战是,他只能坐轮椅而不能灵活自如地走动。Confined to a wheelchair, mobility was one of them.

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现在的他四肢麻痹,只能呆在轮椅上。He is now quadriplegic and confined to a wheelchair.

他在学校里还拿一个坐轮椅的小姑娘寻开心。He made fun of a girl in a wheelchair at his school.

此外,该房屋轮椅可以直接进出。In addition, the building is wheel-chair accessible.