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他想以自杀来了却他的心病。He attempted to end his trouble by suicide.

如今我了却,心愿,自当远行。I finish at present, wish, from be distant journey.

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让你转世轮回本想让你了却这一段孽缘!Let your reincarnation wanted you to have this a bad romance!

那个毒品走私犯将在牢狱之内了却残生。That drug smuggler will live the rest of his life behind bars.

也许我仅仅只是想了却自己的心愿。而已。Maybe you just should know one thing that is how I want be with you.

三是怕某些心愿尚未了却便就此撒手西去,空余遗恨。Three is afraid of in some way yet but would have died, free grudge.

您愿不愿意我在还没了却您原先的心愿以前就离开?And you do not wish me to go away without fulfilling your original intentions?

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学习的加重,使我一直没能尽早的了却我的心愿。Learning increased, so that I have not had it as early as possible in my wish.

但是诗人老矣,肉体虚弱,他写好了却无力朗读。But the poet was old, the flesh was weak, and he could not utter the words he had written.

或者你在银行或杂货店偶遇到她,你张嘴了却没发出声来。Or you run into her at the bank or the grocery, and your mouth opens but no noise comes out.

刘志贤老人一笔53年前的5元钱债务终于还上了,从此了却了他一生的心愿。Liu Zhixian the elderly 53 years ago, a 5-dollar debt is also finally on, but from the desire of his life.

快开学了却还有几个同学没见,于是赶快发信息给一个好朋友,她说她今天下午就走。It is going to be back school while I haven't seen few classmates, so I gave a message to one of my friends.

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当地语言也很古怪,我都在蒙古待4天了却一句蒙语都不会说,对我来说这很不寻常。The language is very odd too and after 4 days I still can't say one word in Mongolian. That is unusual for me.

第六只狐狸吃不到葡萄便破口大骂,被路人一棒子了却性命。The sixth fox burst into abuses for not getting the grapes and was beaten to death with a stick by a passerby.

刘时键在空中含泪让父亲俯瞰祖国的大好河山,他在了却老人生前的遗愿。LiuShiJian in the air to the motherland father tearfully overlooking the vigor, he was in at the old man's wishes.

国际工程师协会的总裁雷斯曼说,这就是为什么苹不美观公司能够成功,而其他一些公司匀嗽失踪败了却。IEEE Computer Society President Sorel Reisman said that's why Apple has succeeded while many other companies have failed.

奥运会、残奥会结束后,中国人了却了期待多年的心愿。After finishing the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Chinese people would have realized the dream which last for so many years.

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文彦在定了却婚礼堂的时分,无意间看见一辆过路的汽车里坐着高珊珊,文彦赶忙追逐而去。WenYan under fixed at the wedding hall at stumbled across a car passing, sitting in the car, WenYan quickly chase high shan.

他终于确信冬妮娅完全不能容忍他,于是给了她一大笔钱,自己用手枪了却残生。Convinced at last that Dounia would have none of him, Svidrigailov gave her a large sum of money and ended his life with a pistol.

他终于确信冬妮娅完全不能容忍他,于是给了她一大笔钱,自己用手枪了却残生。Convinced at last that Dounias would have none of him, Svidrigailov gave her a large sum of money and ended his life with a pistol.