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似乎万事俱备只欠东风了。Everything seemed ready.

风由北风转成了东风。Is the wind north or south?

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东风未放十分晴。Dongfeng not put very clear.

这个厂定名为东风造船厂。It was named Dongfeng Shipyard.

扬帆远航,赖您东风助力!Sailing, wind power depends on You!

东风浩荡。The east wind blows with mighty power.

万事具备,只欠东风。Everything is ready except the east wind.

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强起立东风,惨惨梨花谢。Stand strong east wind, Cancan pear bloom.

杳冥冥兮羌昼晦,东风飘兮神灵雨。The east wind drifts and god sends down rain.

强劲的东风猛烈地吹打我们的脸。The strong easterly wind lashed at our faces.

东风卡车闻名全国。Dongfeng Trucks are famous around the country.

在东风区结论相反。In the easterly region the conclusion is opposite.

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一阵席卷而来的东风使鸟飞低。An easterly gale blew up, making the birds fly low.

货已装上“东风”号轮船。The cargo has been shipped on board s.s. Dong Feng.

东风1的最初想法是源自苏联的R-12导弹。The DF-1's idea originated from Soviet missile R-12.

这句话在东风实业公司的身上显得尤为充分。The sentence is very important for Dongfeng company.

目前「东风」以木管乐五重奏为主。Eastern Winds appear primarily as a woodwind quintet.

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抗议东风乡政府霸占公民私有财产!Down with local government! Get out from our property!

神阿,你用东风打破他施的船只。Thou breakest the ships of Tarshish with an east wind.

东风在华东市场这一最重要的商用车市场处于劣势。East China market, Dong Feng is in a inferior position.