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你不会陷入绝境除非你选择那样!You are not trapped unless you choose to be!

他很无能已导致我们濒临绝境。His incompetence have bring us to the brink of ruin.

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在这层意义上,我们已经前所未有地把该病毒逼到了绝境。In this sense, we have the virus cornered as never before.

伊希提卜人是蛮烈的斗士,处于绝境时尤其如此。Ishi Tib are ferocious fighters, especially when cornered.

对你掏心掏肺,只会让这一切更糟,陷入绝境。If I spilt my guts, it would make a mess we can't clean up.

毕加索过世以后,安装工盖内克的生活几乎陷于绝境。Picasso died, installers cover g life almost in an impasse.

你可能深陷于绝境,困难重重,压力很大。You may be in deep despair, deep trouble, under deep stress.

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分析师担心议员们可能正在把自己逼入绝境.Analysts worry lawmakers may be painting themselves into a corner.

美国冠军摩尔曾一度濒临绝境而泪流满面。U. S. winner Ms. Moore got teary on the brink of elimination ─ Ms.

我们这些软件开发者往往倾向于创造“绝境”缩写词。We software developers have a tendency to create dead-end acronyms.

一年之前,我们还处在全球金融危机的绝境边缘。We were on the precipice of a global financial crisis one year ago.

最近,这位前财政部大臣推出了自己的回忆录,书名题为“绝境逢生”。Now the former chancellor of the exchequer has published his memoirs.

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这样一个一度富可敌国的家族为何陷入如此绝境?How did a family that once owned so much find itself in such a corner?

和上周末一样,贝尔斯登再次陷入绝境。In an ugly replay of the weekend before, Bear Stearns was imperiled again.

对于它们来说,这些摇摇欲坠的石头一定跟维斯特洛大陆上的绝境长城一样高耸。To them these tumbledown stones must loom as huge as the Wall of Westeros.

蔡明亮的作品都呈现出一贯的心灵沙漠和卡夫卡式的荒芜绝境。Tsai's works always take on the mind desert and the Kafka-type desolation.

许多物种已经被逼入绝境,更多的如今踉跄在生死之间。Many have been driven to extinction, and many more now teeter on the brink.

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棋手一看出自己陷入绝境,就承认那局棋输了。The chess-player conceded the game when he saw that his position was hopeless.

就好像龙离开大海到陆地作战而面临绝境一样。Just like a sea dragon having to fight on land, it will face with difficulties.

爱心是沙漠中的一泓泉水,使濒临绝境的人重新看到生活的希望。Love is a spring in the desert, so desperate for people to see the hope of life.