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北川曾经是一个有22000人口的小县城。Beichuan was once a town of 22, 000.

南距顺义县城约9公里。South from shunyi county about 9 km.

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这家茶庄是县城里最大的一家。This is the biggest tea shop in town.

县城设在丰城镇。County, cities and towns in abundance.

阿力生活在南方的一个小县城里。Li lives in a small town in the south.

那些年,她几乎将整个小县城都玩弄于鼓掌。She had the county in her pocket for years.

那一年一个又一个的县城沦入敌人手中。In that year county after county fell to the enemy.

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延庆县城周边环绕着30多个景点景区。Around Yanqing County, there are over 30 scenic spots.

峰顶眺望,安陆县城尽收眼底。Peak overlooks, Anlu panoramic view of the county seat.

这里的人爱吃,小小县城却能吃遍大江南北。People here love to eat, a small county can eat across.

人到齐后,我们回到秭归县城吃晚餐。All collecting, we went back to Zigui County for supper.

我悄悄溜出村,向吉安县城走去。Slipping out of the village I headed for the city of Jian.

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这里靠近富平县城,我们可以步行去。Also an easy walk to the town in Fuping which is very handy.

酒店高15层,为融水县城目前第一高楼。Hotel high for rongshui county, 15 of the tallest at present.

目前,县城还没有一座三星级以上酒店。However, there is no star hotel with a rank higher than 3-star.

走出县城,我看到一只褐色的小狗跟着三个士兵。Walking out of town, I saw a brown puppy follow three soldiers.

在山西五台县城西南27公里善文村。Wutai County in Shanxi Shanwen village 27 kilometers south-west.

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从江县城打车到岜沙,只不过半个小时车程。It took only half an hour by taxi from Congjiang county to Basha.

位于县境西北部,距县城25公里。County is located in the northwest, 25 kilometers from the county.

在地震中丧生者大多居住在县城。Most of those killed were in the county seat, also known as Jyeku.