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目的观察郁金对小鼠抑郁的影响。Objective To observe the effects of Yujin on depressive mouses.

姜黄和郁金药材中的黄丝郁金是同一植物的不同药用部位。Radix Curcuma and Rithoma Curcuma is the same medicinal plants of different positions.

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在中国医学方面,郁金被使用来治疗肩痛、月经的痉挛,和绞痛。In Chinese medicine, turmeric is used to treat shoulder pain, menstrual cramps, and colic.

姜黄属植物是我国传统中药姜黄、郁金、莪术的植物来源。Curcuma genus is the sources of the traditional Chinese medicine—Curcuma?Turmeric and Zedoary.

结果二氧化碳超临界萃取法提取温郁金获得温郁金提取物1和提取物2。Results By supercritical fluid extraction we get the extract 1 and extract 2 of common turmeric.

说明郁金茵陈方改善肝脏功能的作用优于其它两个中药组。These show that yujinyincheng is more better for liver function than yinchengao and Yinzhihuang.

运用计算机图像定量分析系统,测定郁金类中药有关形态学参数。By means of computer-aided image analysis, some morphological parameters of Radix Curcumae were measured.

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根据灰色控制系统理论,首次应用灰色系统决策方法研究郁金的复种轮作方式。The policy-deciding method of grey system was developed to study the multiple cropping system of Curcuma Longa.

提出了纤维素酶预处理法提取郁金中姜黄素的新工艺。A new technique for extraction of curcumin in curcuma aromatica has been developed, which is based on cellulose enzymolysis.

姜黄素是从姜科姜黄属植物姜黄、莪术、郁金等的根茎中提取出的一种天然有效成分。Curcumin, a kind of natural effective component, is abstract from rhizoma of Curcuma L. , such as curcuma, zedoary, turmeric etc.

应用气相色谱-质谱联用技术对姜黄属中草药郁金和姜黄中挥发油的化学成分进行了测定。The chemical compositions of the volatile oils obtained from two traditional Chinese medicines, rhizomes of Curcuma aromatica and C.

本文筛选了郁金中姜黄素的薄层色谱鉴别条件,并比较了不同郁金品种的醇提物和挥发油的薄层色谱。The TLC identification condition are screened in our study, we also compared the chromatogram of different species of Radix Curcumae.

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根据黄丝郁金根、块根、叶的生长和干物质的积累特点,将郁金的个体发育分为4个生育期。Based on the characteristics of leaf, root and tuber growth as well as dry matter accumulation, the ontogeny of Yujin is divided into 4 stages.

内皮层细胞平均最大直径等10个因子对郁金类中药显微鉴别影响程度最大。The 10 stereological parameters such as average maximum diameter of endodermis, etc. contributed to the microscopic authentication of Radix Curcumae.

葛郁金在七种淀粉作物中表现较高的粗蛋白质含量与淀粉溶解度,却表现最低糖化力、糊化温度与膨润力。Within six starchy crops, arrowroot had higher crude protein content and starch solubility and lower saccharifying power, gel temperature and swelling power.

据黄丝郁金中前期生长对水分的需求,将适宜区划分为适宜与较适宜两个亚区。Suitable growth area was divided into the suitable and less suitable area according to the need of precipitation concerning the early growth period of Curcuma longa L.

应用化学计量学方法对中药桂郁金与桂莪术挥发油的色谱指纹图谱进行了比较分析。The chromatographic fingerprints of volatile oil of radix curcumae kwangsiensis and rhizoma curcumae kwangsiensis were comparatively analyzed using chemometrics method.

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研究结果与古代及现代文献记载的温郁金产地具有很好的相似性,并与近几年温郁金推广种植工作相吻合。The results obtained by GIS analysis were corresponding to the records in ancient and modern literature, which was conformed to the practical work of planting extension during recent years.

通过对播种期、用种量、种植密度、适宜土壤及肥料等栽培因素的考察,结合郁金产量和总姜黄素含量综合评价,初步筛选出了郁金的栽培方案。Combining the yield and quality, the suitable cultivating measures are established though the investigation of planting date, amount of seeds, plant density, soil environment and fertilization.