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或古拙或亮丽,或深重或明快,突显显着的特性特征。Like bright, or deep or bright, highlighting significant characteristic features.

“古拙”风格在中国绘画史中享有崇高地位。"Primitive Crudity" style has been holding an important position in Chinese painting.

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它古拙潇洒的纹理能够极好地表现出雄壮的气势和悲壮的美。It like the natural texture can appear to be a great magnificent momentum and tragic beauty.

我国古拙、浪漫的“意象造型”不应该随时代的发展而丢失。My unadorned, romantic "image modeling" should not be lost with the development of the times.

二为,其作以古拙之气,抒现代之风,承载当代人的情感。Secondly, the paintings hold traditional feeling to express modern style, which load contemporary emotion.

学者们按照器皿的用途进行分类,通常是一些手工雕琢的、形式古拙的类似啤酒桶的器皿。Scholars are divided on what the vessels—usually hand-carved and crude, resembling beer mugs—were used for.

它用色传统而讲究、色彩浑厚而鲜艳、线条粗犷而洗炼,造型古拙而夸张。It uses tradition , daintily, thick and bright color, the line rough but baptized, the form is clumsy but exaggerated.

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朱仙镇木版年画有着强烈的个性和艺术特色,其构图饱满、线条粗犷、色彩强烈、造型古拙、木版套印、不描不绘。Zhuxianzhen's wood engraving has a peculiar spirit and artistic feature, with delicate structure, bold lines, strong color.

每一行笔能曲尽抑扬顿挫、转折提按的变化,呈现出既有古拙味道,又不失淳朴清新的强烈的装饰美感的用线特色。Each line is most melodious, presents the unadorned flavor, and does not lose the simple and honorable fresh intense decoration esthetic sense when uses the line.

本文结合雕塑本身具有的原始语言和古拙造型的特点,总结了汉代雕塑的原始古拙美。In this paper, the original sculpture itself simple modeling language and the characteristics of the Han Dynasty summed up the original sculpture simple the United States.

天井两侧的行廊有些类似西关的骑楼,可以遮风挡雨,屋面梁架上有精细的木雕图案,墙的上端是古老的壁画,内容都离不开风调雨顺、连年有余等,笔法古拙,意趣盎然。The delicate wood carving totems on the beams, the ancient frescos on the upper walls, all imply good weather for crops and successive years of a surplus, old pen but new ken.