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他是个穷凶恶极的杀人犯。he is a nefarious murderer.

男孩,那是一只大大的、凶恶的熊!Boy! That was one big, ugly bear!

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噢!男孩,那是一只大大的、凶恶的熊!Whoah! Boy! That was one big, ugly bear!

这凶恶的威胁可能以你为目标And threatenings of evil may beat on the shore

许多性情乖戾、样子凶恶、眼神粗野的人工作。Many surly , brutal-looking , wild- eyed men work.

他们的狗真凶恶,没有人敢走近它。So fierce was their dog that no one dared come near.

这头困兽变得凶恶起来。With his back to the wall, the animal became ferocious.

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她们是世界上最凶恶的蚂蚁的之一。one of the contenders for the world's most vicious ant.

一个凶恶的人会变成虎狼。A person with a vicious heart becomes a wolf or a tiger.

那个凶恶的罪犯这些日子犯了滔天大罪。The cruel criminal committed towering crimes these days.

此时轮到那个肥胖的、凶恶的被告了。Until it was the turn of the plump and vicious defendant.

“这是一个漫长的一天,我对你这么凶恶。"It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you.

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差遣你的护守天使,守卫护佑我免于一切凶恶。Send Thy Guardian Angel to guard and protect me from all evil.

主是忠信的,他必坚固你们,保护你们免于凶恶。But God is faithful, who will strengthen and keep you from evil.

贝拉盛气凌人,死死的盯住了他,高吊的双眉凶恶地皱在一起。The towering Bela's brows knit ominously as she glared down at him.

人民受着凶恶而专制的军政权的压迫。The people is held down by a vicious and repressive military regime.

我正想要帮助他,但他脸上凶恶的表情把我吓住了。I started to offer help, but the fierce glare on his face stopped me.

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在番邦,们提到蝙蝠,就想到丑恶凶恶的景。In foreign country the people mention the bat thinks of the ugly image.

他们家那条狗样子很凶恶,因此我们决定离它远一点。Their dog looked dangerous, so we decided to keep our distance from it.

一个普通的阴谋计划者,利用一只凶恶的猎狗也就满足了。An ordinary schemer would have been content to work with a savage hound.