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这被称为日冕物质抛射。These are called coronal mass ejections.

日冕物质抛射可能对地球造成各种影响。A coronal mass ejection can cause problems on Earth.

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这些结果可用于解释等离子体团型日冕物质抛射的形成。These results may interpret the formation of plasmoid type CME.

日冕物质抛射在过去已经影响过发电站的运作。Coronal mass ejections have affected power stations in the past.

在这些之外还有太阳风——由日冕而来的气体流。Beyond that is the solar wind, an outflow of gas from the corona.

日冕的变化反映的是太阳内部的变化。Changes we see in the corona reflect changes deep inside the sun.

新类型针状物或可解释日冕超高温现象。A new class of Spicules might explain the mysteries of coronal heating.

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图像显示太阳最外层的大气上只有日冕。The images show only the Sun’s corona, the outermost layer of the atmosphere.

它的启动就是为了协助科学家更好地理解日冕物质抛射。STEREO was launched to help scientists better understand coronal mass ejections.

太阳耀斑和日冕物质抛射都能产生对地球有影响的空间天气。Both flares and coronal mass ejections can create space weather if aimed at Earth.

与此同时,太阳右侧则发生M-1耀斑和日冕物质抛射。At the same time, the sun is the right place M-1 flares and coronal mass ejections.

现在一个重要的新周期已经开始,日冕物质抛射喷发,并且疯狂已经开始。Now a major new cycle has started, the CMEs are erupting, and the madness has begun.

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科学家们能够在日食发生时观测到围绕在太阳周围的气体,也称日冕。Solar eclipses allow scientists to see the gases surrounding the sun, or its corona.

这样的复合显示出内部日冕和外部日冕结构上的关联。The composite brings out the correlation of structures in the inner and outer corona.

2月1日,日本的日之出太阳观测卫星拍摄了太阳的两个日冕。Japan's Hinode sun-watching satellite photographed the sun's two coronal holes on Feb. 1.

尽管临近太阳活动的高峰期,我们在这次的循环期里也几乎没有任何的日冕物质抛射。We have had scarcely any CMEs this cycle, too, despite the approach of the solar maximum.

日冕将成为一个世纪以来这座形象建筑最引人注目的改变。The corona will be the most dramatic alteration in the profile of the building in a century.

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一个关于四个日冕物质喷射的视频在格林威治天文台网站。A movie of all four ejections is available on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory web site.

至少在一些闪焰事件里,这些扭曲的磁场环圈会产生日冕团块喷射。At least in some flares, these twisted magnetic field loops must become coronal mass ejections.

大量等离子体脱离太阳,这种现象被称作日冕物质喷发。When significant amounts of plasma escape the Sun, the event is called a coronal mass ejection.