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按著他极美的大德赞美他。Praise him for his surpassing greatness.

诸大德!现在到了诵出这二不定戒。Now, venerable sirs, the Two Indefinite Rules come up for recitation.

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目前塞纳里奥的领导人是大德鲁伊范达尔·鹿盔。At the moment the Cenarion Circle's leader is Archdruid Fandral Staghelm.

不过,第一个凡人德鲁伊是大德鲁伊玛法里奥·怒风。However, the first mortal druid on Azeroth was Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage.

大提琴,快板,海顿,演奏,马友友,黄大德。Yo-yo Ma plays Haydn with HK Philharmonic and its music director Samuel Wong.

小德川流,大德敦化,此天地之所以为大也。Tokugawa flow of small and large Mamoud of this world are the reason for the large.

诸大德!现在到了诵出这九十二忏悔戒。Now, venerable sirs , the Ninety-two Rules entailing Expiation come up for recitation.

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马佛青希望各界护法大德能够资助以上的计划以让更多的人受益。YBAM hope that the public may support the said plan so that more people will be benefited.

因此,大德由常德和非常德的内涵构成。Therefore, Great De is formed by the connotations of the constant De and the inconstant De.

佛法的修学,特别是禅宗祖师大德所提倡的,从根本修。Buddhism, especially the Zen School, advocates starting our practice from the root, the mind.

毕大德博士与国家食品药品监督管理局孙咸泽司长访问南昌大学食品技术中心。Dr. brian bedard visited food technology center of nanchang university with dg sun xianze of sf da.

大德园是勃艮第特级园中最大的单一园,现在归属于大德园酒庄。Clos de Tart is the largest Grand Cru monopole vineyard in Burgundy, it is belong to Domaine Clos de Tart.

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我想,这应该就是大德与小德,书读通与半瓶子醋之间的差别吧!I think that this is the difference between great virtue and petty virtue, profound man and shallow person.

但我要说,即使是圣人大德,也不可能高过你们每个人内中的至尊But I say that even as the holy and the righteous cannot rise beyond the highest which is in each one of you

百慕大德沃恩舍尔行政区,并且通常是位于我的房子的顶部。The camera is located at Cavendish Heights, Devonshire Parish, Bermuda , and is usually situated on top of my house.

诸王之王亚达薛西,达于祭司以斯拉通达天上神律法大德的文士,云云。Artaxerxes, king of kings, unto Ezra the priest, a scribe of the law of the God of heaven, perfect peace, and at such a time.

大德惨叫一声,连人带椅子背下来,买路易威登皮包富男跳的跨越,一个滚观众拥抱大德。Dade screams, both man and chair to back down, buy louis vuitton purses Male Fu jump leaps, one roll to the audience to embrace Dade.

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大德!阿槃提国有称为隶犀达多之良家子,乃吾等未见之友,而已出家。尊者曾见彼否?。There is, venerable sir, a clansman from Avanti named Isidatta, an unseen friend of mine, who has gone forth. Have you ever seen him?

监测车很快来到大德洋行区域,褚山虎发现监测车便让山狸猫前去报信。To monitor the car soon came to the William company, found that monitoring car will let Chu Shanhu mountain cat to go to the messenger.

2010年1月29日,云南省昆明市郊外的大德村,一名妇女挑着水桶去取水。A woman carries buckets to transport water at the drought-hit Dade Village on the outskirts of Kunming, Yunnan province January 29, 2010.