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转移你的注视。Shift your gaze.

他注视著那条船下沈。He beheld the boat sink.

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她注视着我的时候我问她。I ask as she watches me.

雷塔娜注视着他抽烟。Retana watched him smoking.

他张著大嘴注视著。He watched with mouth agape.

他,岿然不动,注视她。And he, unmoved , regarded her.

我一直很喜欢注视猎户星座。I always like looking at Orion.

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于是我便一直注视着朦胧的白窗帘。I stare at filmy white curtain.

图中,埃利斯注视著一只狼崽。Shaun Ellis looks at a wolf cub.

跳舞吧,如同没有人注视一样。And dance like no one‘s watching.

阿齐兹饶有兴味地注视着他。Her eyes twinkled with amusement.

我们注视飞机升上去。We watched the rise of the plane.

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他注视着一张水彩画。He paints nicely in water-colours.

杜库等待着,注视着他的徒弟。Dooku waited, watching his Padawan.

于是我便一直注视着朦胧的白窗帘。I stare at the filmy white curtain.

在芦苇丛中,没膝深的河注视着人类Knee-deep among reeds, watching men

她面无表情地注视著前方。She stared stonily in front of her.

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她爱怜地注视着他。She watched him with love and pity.

它从附近的一棵树上注视着帐篷。He eyed the tent from a nearby tree.

我注视这他的一举一动。I watched his movements attentively.