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羊角风的危害具体有哪些呢?Epilepsy what specific harm it?

羊角风的早期症状都表现为什么?Early symptoms of epilepsy have shown why?

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癫痫又被称为羊角风,是一种常见的疾病。Epilepsy is also known as epilepsy, is a common disease.

而且,每次羊角风的症状发作,对大脑机能都有极其巨大的伤害。Moreover each time the symptoms of epilepsy seizure on brain function are very great harm.

女孩还声称她患有脑肿瘤和羊角风,让这位老师手足无措。The girl also says she has a brain tumor and epilepsy. The teacher doesn't know what to do.

因此,在羊角风发病的早期,就要尽早治疗,以免造成更大的伤害。Therefore the early onset of epilepsy early treatment is necessary in order to avoid greater harm.

这看起来会让人恐惧,但是总的来说对人体并无害处,也不会导致羊角风。These seizures can be terrifying to watch but generally are not harmful and do not cause epilepsy.

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羊角风反复发作对小儿羊角风的智力及精神发育,也有严重的影响。Epilepsy epilepsy in children with recurrent mental and spiritual development but alsoseriously affected.

多数羊角风患者在儿童或青少年时起病,一旦发作,就必须通过长期治疗才能痊愈。Most patients with epilepsy onset in childhood or adolescence once the attack it must be cured by long-term treatment.

羊角风患儿生活要有规律,保证充足的休息和睡眠,避免饮食过量等。Should be the law of life in children with epilepsy, to ensure adequate rest and sleep, avoid eating too much and so on.

另外,饮酒、摄入高糖饮食及浓茶、浓咖啡等刺激性食物时,也可诱发羊角风。In addition, alcohol consumption, intake of high-sugar diet and strong tea, strong coffee, spicy food, they can induce epilepsy.

如何控制羊角风的发作,减少羊角风带来的痛苦,前提还是及早进行正规专业的治疗。How to control the onset of epilepsy, to reduce the pain caused by epilepsy, provided for formal or professional treatment as soon as possible.

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羊角风发作如何控制要防止羊角风症状的出现并减少羊角风对躯体、心理和社会的不良影响。Epilepsy onset epilepsy how to control to prevent and reduce the appearance of symptoms of epilepsy on the physical, psychological and social impact.

但有个关键问题要明白,用药物治疗是为了控制发作和治愈羊角风,见效快慢不属于根本问题。But a key issue to understand that the use of medication to control seizures and cure epilepsy, quick slow does not belong to the fundamental problem.

“羊角风”在民夹镏被成为“羊癫风”,医学上叫做“癫痫”,是由于反复发作的脑神经元异常放电所致的暂时性大脑功能障碍。"Epilepsy" in the folk and known as "epilepsy wind" medicine called "epilepsy" is due to recurrent abnormal discharge of neurons in the brain caused by temporary dysfunction.

“羊角风”在民间又被成为“羊癫风”,医学上叫做“癫痫”,是由于反复发作的脑神经元异常放电所致的暂时性大脑功能障碍。"Epilepsy" in the folk and known as "epilepsy wind, " medicine called "epilepsy" is due to recurrent abnormal discharge of neurons in the brain caused by temporary dysfunction.

得了肢痛性羊角风后,常有发作性的肢体剧烈疼痛,突然发生、骤然停止,不用药物也可自行缓解,发作时病人的意识是清楚的。Had limb pain of epilepsy after the onset of often severe pain in the limbs, sudden, suddenly stop, without medications can relieve itself, attack the patient's consciousness is clear.