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岩质隧道的施工过程是典型的卸载力学进程。Construction process of rock tunnels is a typical unloading mechanical process.

提供最大压载力,抵抗侧倾覆的可能性,并保证侧倾覆后能及时回位Provides the most ballast to resist capsizing and ensure recovery from a capsize

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由于疼痛让你不敢使伤口载力,这种情况也要去看医生。Pain that prevents you from placing any weight on the injury should be looked at also.

称人结不但牢固,安全,而且之后还容易解开,即使在带着负载力拉紧时也是如此。The bowline is not only strong and secure but is easy to break loose later, even when pulled tight under a load.

它用两个液压阀控制试件上的加载力和保持摩擦力恒定。In the system, two hydraulic valves are used to control the charging force and to keep the friction force constant.

负载能力通过计算抵抗最大负载力造成的疲劳毁损的安全系数得出。Load capacity contained by calculating safety factor that resistant to fatigue damage caused by the maximum load force.

采用极限分析下限原理求解了岩土工程中基础的极限载力和边坡的安全系数。Based on the lower bound theorem of limit analysis theory, the admissible stress field is modeled using finite elements.

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用势函数理论计算出水槽不规则造波机的最大行程、负载力和功率。Maximum range, load carrying capacity and power of basin irregular wave generator is calculated by theory of potential function.

并且分析了公园各个景区旅游环境载力的有利度,提出了旅游调控措施。Furthermore, the research analyzed favorableness of five scenery areas in the park and presented methods about tourist controlling.

在非均布轮载力作用下,当路面结构的力学计算参数变化时,其力学响应也有很大的不同。The response of mechanics is very different when the calculation parameters are changed under non- uniform distributed tire pressure.

对该系统中气阀阀片的运动规律进行了模拟,对可调回流气阀的机构和加载力设计起了指导作用。The simulation of the valve plate has been worked, and it can be used as the direction for the design of SCCS and the unloader force.

该轴承用于水翼船翼柱自位球轴承动载模拟试验机的加载装置,其加载力大,可满足回转和摇摆振荡复合运动要求。The bearing can meet the requirements of large loading caused by the combined motion due to the hydrofoil oscillation and turning motion.

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采用极限分析下限原理求解了岩土工程中基础的极限载力和边坡的安全系数。Safety factors of slope stability analysis and limit bearing capacities of footings were solved by adopting lower bound theorem of limit analysis.

恒加载力高速重负荷荒磨是大型钢坯修磨和重型轧辊粗加工的基础工艺。Rough grinding with constant loading force and high-speed heavy-duty is the basic process for large steel conditioning and heavy roll rough machining.

利用有限元方法对三点弯曲试样的固有频率进行了计算,分别得出了不同长度、宽度和加载力下的三点弯曲试样固有频率。Three points bend specimen is calculated by using the mode analysis of ANSYS, it can get natural frequency at different crack length, width and force.

对鸡蛋静载力学特性的研究,为鸡蛋的采集、分级、加工、运输和流通过程提供一定的理论指导。In this research, egg's mechanics are more intensively studied and broken mechanism was revealed, which can conduct egg's sorting, collecting and transporting.

它围绕船底的一个钉子旋转,放下时提供压载力,以抵抗由于单侧风导致的船只侧向摆动。Pivoting on a pin inside the hull, it swings down to provide ballast and resistance against sideways motion of the boat caused by the wind blowing from one side.

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土地环境容载力包括土地环境区划、土地环境人口容量和土地环境城市建设承载力。Environmental bearing capacity of land consists of land environment partition, population capacity and carrying capacity of city construction of land environment.

采用基于城市环境容载力的可持续度评价模型,以许昌市为中小城市代表进行可持续发展能力分析。Based on the urban environmental capacity of sustainable evaluation model, Xuchang city of representatives of small and medium-sized cities sustainable development capacity analysis.

目的通过建立埋伏牙的三维有限元模型,分析不同加载力下埋伏牙的牙周应力,从而为临床上正畸牵引治疗埋伏牙提供基础实验依据。Objective To analyze stress around the impacted tooth by constituting a 3-dimensional finite element model of impacted tooth , consequently offer reference basis for clinic traction treatment.