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我们需要制作道具,and we need to create props.

道具和临时演员在哪儿?Show me the props and extras.

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收集到一大票道具。Collect a large number of items.

搬运地毯和各种道具。V. to haul around rugs and props.

你想拥有你一个你自己的珍道具么?Do you have a Chindogu of your own?

我担心道具和服装的事。I worried about props and costumes.

他被装入真子弹的道具手枪打死。He was shot by a misloaded prop gun.

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道具和玩具可以使性爱更加刺激。Props and toys make sex more exciting.

于是他拿起了自己的服装道具去了。So he took his costume and away he went.

这个是传统娱乐节目的道具。This is the tool for traditional amusement.

拍打切换键,就能争换道具。Beat the shift key, you can fight for props.

今晚,我要为我们的演出制作道具,Tonight, I'll be creating props for our show

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此道具包括一个带机关的刀和一个普通的刀子。You get a gimmicked knife and a regular knife.

防御力总值现在会显示在你的道具栏里。Defense totals are now shown in your inventory.

用道具跟踪你把时间都花在了哪儿。Use programs to track wITe you spend your time.

灯光、小道具和性感的能量充斥在空气中。Lighting, props and sensual energy fill the air.

它使用的锥齿轮转交权力交给道具。It used bevel gears to transmit power to the prop.

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列出你的角色的技能,知识和小道具。List your character's skills, knowledge and props.

接着他脱下道具现身,求她嫁给他。He then unveiled himself and asked her to marry him.

儡戏用的木偶道具大部分都是手工制作的。Most of the props used in puppet shows are handmade.