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他与其说是个作家,毋宁说是个记者。He is not so much a writer as a reporter.

看春晚,毋宁死,也许这是个不错的新年新立志。That is not too bad a new year resolution.

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是谁说过”不自由,毋宁死“?”Who said 'Give me Liberty, or give me Death?'

与其与一个冷漠无情的聪明女子结婚,毋宁和一个多情鲁钝的女人结合。Marry a smart and indifferent woman, or a passionate and moronic woman with.

美国加州大学伯克利分校的克里格.戴罗瑞说,“与其说它是个死寂的、毫无变化的世界,毋宁说这是个有趣而充满活力的世界。”Rather than a dead and unchanging world, it could be a dynamic and interesting one.

现代的旧制度毋宁说只是一种世界次序的笑剧,其真实的英雄们已经死去。The modern ancien regime is rather only the comedian of a world order whose true heroes are dead.

三代遗传的宗法制度毋宁是儒家文化的深厚社会基础。Three generations of hereditary patriarchal system is rather profound social basis of Confucian culture.

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但是,如果它以某种方式违背了自然法,那么它就不再是真正的法律,毋宁说是对法律的败坏。But if it is somehow opposed to the natural law, then it is not really a law but rather a corruption of law.

如果说盖·里奇同样使用了这种叙事方式,倒毋宁说几乎所有的后现代黑帮电影都在使用这种叙事方式。If we said Geric used the same narrative mode, that all the post-modern film has almost in the use of this narrative form.

我记得,亨利县以帕特里克.亨利命名——还记得他的名言‘不自由,毋宁死’吗?I reminded them that Henry County was named after Patrick Henry—and remember what he said, ‘Give me liberty or give me death’?

其一系列“新论”与其说是理论的新发现,毋宁说是理论的严重迷误。Therefore, Dong Xuewen's series of so-called "new theory" is not a new discovery. Instead, his theory is seriously confounded.

入出而无见其形,使得上帝适存于任何时空,毋宁是一种聪明而合理的说法。It is rather a wise and rational saying that the God that is invisible and shapeless in action is suitable for any age and space.

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设若抛弃了“实体”,那末我们似乎必须采用与其说近于阿奎那,毋宁说更多地近于司各脱的观点。" It would seem to follow that, if "substance" is rejected, we must take a view more akin to that of Scotus than to that of Aquinas.

向社会的问题,与其说是这号人的德行问题,毋宁说是能胜任其职责的问题,于是便了严重的。The problem set for society is not the virtues of the type so much as its adequacy for its function, and here grave difficulties arise.

毋宁说,倒是我们这些还活着的人,应该在这里把自己奉献于勇士们已经如此崇高地向前推进但尚未完成的事业。It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.

走在庙堂的阴影下,行在追随者群中的教师,传授给人的,与其说是他的智能,毋宁说是他的忠信与慈爱。The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple , among his followers , gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness.

他说,显然是说娜塔莎,与其说她听见,毋宁说是从他的嘴唇的掀动她领悟了他的意思。"Very, very charming! "he said, obviously speaking of Natasha. She did not exactly hear the words, but divined them from the movement of his lips.

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崇尚多维的侵权法思考模式,以三种正义观的相互交错适用毋宁是理性的选择。Therefore, advocating multidimensional methodology of tort law, applying with three interleaving justice opinion one another would be rational election.

如果我是正确的,与其说高收入导致了滥交,毋宁说一个自由开放的社会同时带来了高收入及滥交。If I am correct, it is not income that leads to promiscuity, but rather other characteristics of a free society that lead to both high income and high promiscuity.

威廉·布伊特与其说发表了下述言论,即,美国经济付不起其财政刺激费用,毋宁说是对美国国内有计划的财政刺激进行的另类批判。WILLEM BUITER has rather a different criticism of planned fiscal stimulus in America than those addressed below, namely, that the American economy can't afford it.