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一类壁立千仞、有欲则刚的坚忍不拔。A steeply Chihiro, desire is just the perseverance.

在一望无际的大草原上,山峦起伏,沟壑纵横,悬崖壁立,蜿蜒伸展。In the vast prairie, undulating hills, ravines, cliff rise steeply, winding stretch.

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黄河轰轰地应声响着,对岸壁立的悬崖已经很近了。The Yellow River responded with its rumble, and the cliffs on the Shanxi bank drew nearer.

此刻,你可能正在凝望壁立千仞的山峰、波光粼粼的海湾或荒无人烟的沼泽。One moment you're gazing upon rocky mountain peaks, shimmering sea lochs and desolate moors.

在我们左边是深达100英尺的河谷,右边是壁立的悬崖。I looked to the river gorge falling 100 feet below on our left and the steep rock face to the right.

抬头向上望去,壁立千仞,玉柱峰顶遥不可攀。The title hopes to go upward, the wall signs thousand Rens, and the jade pillar apex Yao can not climb.

壁立的岩石,静静流着的小河,风过处便窃窃私语的树林,都成为了她的亲密邻居。The companies she had were the steep cliffs, the gently flowing stream, and the trees that whispered in the wind.

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四面宛如屏障的群山环抱,壁立的青山仿佛一幅幅气势宏大的国画屏风。Surrounded by barriers like mountains, stand like a wall of the Castle as if the painting depicting the mighty screen.

希腊以大海和高山引以为豪,海纳百川,包容整个世界,壁立千仞,无论遇到多大的困难都不会屈服。It is like a sea that embraces the whole world. It is like a mountain that stands tall and upright and defies all kinds of difficulties.

石门关景段,秀峰林立,壁立金刚,群山巍巍,林海苍茫,好一幅壮美的山水画卷。Commissioner King of the Shihmen, Xiufeng buildings stand straitjacket , Towering mountains, Linhai featured a magnificent landscapes good vol.

这个地方是个长潭的转折点,两岸是高大壁立千丈的山,山头上长着小小竹子,长年翠绿逼人。This place, at a bend in a long lake, was flanked by high cliffs on the peaks of which grew small bamboos, an enchanting emerald the whole year round.

我们的车子一路上吞着雪冒着烟,开进了武安,这是位于山麓高地上的城镇,再往西就是壁立的大山了。Gulping snow and belching charcoal smoke, we drew into Wu An, a town set on a plateau between the foothills and the mountain wal1s further to the west.

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暮色黄昏,五色斑斓的船只在壁立的白色城市下面扬帆待行,令人想起了阿伽门农的舰队。In the evening twilight, the gorgeous colored vessels in the following cities stand like a wall of white sail line to be, it is reminiscent of Agamemnon's fleet.