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火器进口是被禁止的。The import of firearms is forbidden.

所以铁路将购买阻火器。So the railroad will buy the spark arrestor.

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火器使得老式装甲被废弃。Firearms rendered oldsuits of armor obsolete.

一个踏板摩托直流电打火器多少钱?Be how much a treadle motorcycle direct current fire maker?

因为这个原因,在欧洲火器很快淘汰取代了弓箭。For that reason, firearms quickly eclipsed the bow in Europe.

即使是现在,越来越多的致命火器仍正在开发中。Evennow, increasingly deadlier firearms are under development.

可见呼吸阀、阻火器是储罐不要缺少的安全设施。Breather valve flame arrestor are indispensable safety devices.

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研究火器及子弹运动的科学。The science of firearms and the study of the motion of bullets.

可见呼吸阀、阻火器是储罐不要缺少的安全设施。Breather valve and flame arrestor are indispensable safety devices.

可见呼吸阀,阻火器是储罐不可缺少的安全设施。Breather valve and flame arrestor are indispensable safety devices.

在1990年,使用火器自杀是男孩女孩最寻常的自杀方式。In 1990, firearms were the most common method for both girls and boys.

里面有一打卡巴拉的火器,和勒荣自己的小口径火器没有什么不同。Inside were a dozen Karbarran firearms not unlike Lron's own small-bore.

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或者你有火,少量纸张团在一起就是很好的引火器。Or if you have a fire, a few pages twisted together make great firelighters.

介绍阻火器的分类、选型及安装。Introduces the categories of fire arresters and their type selection and installation.

第三,它将被设置在大航海时代,因此它将介绍步枪和火器。Third, it will be set during the Age of Sail, so it will introduce rifles and firearms.

在使用了几千年之后,火器的出现最终使得箭在战争中被遗弃。After millennia of use, the advent of firearms eventually made thearrow obsolete in war.

安装前应对阻火器进行除污处理。Before the installation, should make decontamination processing for the flame arresters.

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他们使用的竞争者也许输入任何五分部的当中一个根据火器样式。Competitors may enter any one of five Divisions depending on the style of firearm they use.

作为火器发明的故乡,中国在很长一段时间内具有无可争议的先导优势。As the hometown of firearm, China dominated the technology incontestably for quite a long time.

加入白兰地,用长火柴火烧烤用的打火器点燃酒精。Add in brandy and immediately ignite with a long match or a long barbecue lighter to make a flambe.