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牛郎与织女一年才能在鹊桥上相会一次。Only once a year, the couple could meet on the Milky Way.

现在很多人都利用专门的鹊桥网站来认识新朋友。Many people use internet dating websites to meet new people.

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可能就像情人节的鹊桥那样吧,我是两种文化的桥梁。Maybe like the magpies of Tanabata meet, I am a bridge between two cultures.

认为知识银行是企业实现知识化发展的鹊桥。The writer considers that knowledge band is a bridge to lead enterprise knowledgeable.

我千古的恋人,何须羡慕牛郎织女天上人间鹊桥相拥的恢弘华丽。My eternal lover, why must envy the immeasurably vast difference bridge to hold grand gorgeous.

他们的忠贞爱情感动了天上的喜鹊,每年的七月七日,数以千计的喜鹊架成了一座鹊桥让牛郎织女相见。Their loyalty to love touched magpies, so every year thousands of magpies built a bridge for them to meet.

牛郎带著儿女赶到了鹊桥,王母娘娘也把织女拉到了鹊桥。Cowherd brought his children ran to the magpie bridge. Wang-Mu Niang Niang also brought Weaver Maiden to there.

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织女不用敛蛾眉,前度牛郎今又回。鹊桥执手望泪眼,良晨美景不思归。Weaver Crescent do not have convergence, and this ex-Cowboy back. Bridge Point finishing up tearful eyes, good morning beautiful not.

中国政府首推严肃婚恋网站“央务鹊桥”,旨在帮助成千上万的公务员能在繁忙工作之余找到真爱。China's government has set up a match-making website, Magpie Bridge, to help thousands of busy but lonely government employees find love.

今年的七月三十一日是七夕情人节,我觉得去冬山河亲水公园的鹊桥上庆祝应该会很棒。This year july31is chinese valentine's day and I think it'll be great to celebrate it on the magpie bridge in dong-shan river water park.

牛郎和织女忠诚的爱情故事感动了喜鹊,成千上万的喜鹊飞到了河边,搭成了一条鹊桥,成全牛郎和织女相见。Their loyalty to love touched magpies, so tens of thousands of magpies came to build a bridge for the Cowhand and Weaver Maid to meet each other.

但是,到了每年农历的七月初七,会有成千上万的喜鹊飞来,在银河上架起一座长长的鹊桥,让牛郎织女一家再次团聚。However, on July 7th in the Chinese Lunar year, thousands of pies flight into a bridge over the Milky Way and help Niu Lang and Zhi Nu meet together.

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我的心上人是个盖世英雄,我知道,总有一天他会身披五彩战衣,踏着鹊桥来接我,今天你能来吗?你的织女!My sweetheart is a matchless hero, I know that one day he would fight wearing colorful clothing, follow Bridge to meet me, today you can come? Weaver you!

我的心上人是个盖世英雄,我知道,总有一天他会身披五彩战衣,踏着鹊桥来接我,今天你能来吗?My sweetheart is the greatest hero in the world, I know that someday he would fight wearing colorful clothing, follow bridge to meet me, today you can come?

再看那牛郎星和织女星隔着银河遥遥相对,可怜夫妻恩爱却不能相聚,相传他们只能每年农历七月七日才能在鹊桥上相会。To see the Altair and vega across the galaxy opposite ends, poor couple conjugal love cannot meet, they only the annual lunar generation in July 7 can meet on the Milky Way.

加班过劲儿不仅会打乱工作与生活间的平衡,将你和爱人阻挡在鹊桥两边,更有甚者,能让你连你的睡觉时间都无法保证。Working into the wee hours totally disrupts work-life balance, causes you to miss out on time with loved ones, and more often than not, leads you to lose precious hours of sleep.

与商业交友网站充斥的虚假个人信息相比,央务鹊桥主打“真实和安全的交友场所”。The website aims to provide a "pure and safe environment", different from commercial match-making sites which are notorious in China for being filled with fake personal information.

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王母娘娘又划出一条天河⑤,把牛郎和织女隔在天河两岸,只让他们每年农历七月七日在鹊桥⑥相会。She then created a "sky river", the Milky Way, to separate Niu Lang and Zhi Nu forever. She only allowed them to meet each year across the Magpies Bridge on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month.