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可叹呵,我曾与她相识!Alas Oh, I have met with her!

理智冷静的仇恨最为可叹An intellectual hatred is the worst

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可叹的是我的病痛却找不到香膏来治愈。I suffer a malady that no balm can cure !

可叹的是,这些人之中有的还是初级知识分子!Regrettable is that these people in some or senior intellectuals!

所有这些评论都表现出了对他人不幸的轻视,真是可悲可叹。These comments are deplorable contempt for the misfortune of others.

那里的交通情况可悲可叹是尽人皆知的。It is common knowledge that the traffic situation there is deplorable.

可叹,最近在我们的关系中我总是被你看做是一个坏蛋。What a pity ! I always appears a wicked role in our relationship recently.

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一种企业放在不会经营的冤大头手里是真可惜又可叹!It's a crying shame when an enterprise is left in the hands of incompetent fools.

如今的中国最可叹之处在于一个真正的右派团体的整体缺席。It is deplorable that in China there's simply an absence of an authentic right-wing camp.

我于是跳上岸,追向前,警告她前方危险,但可叹,她却避我而逃,好像我也是坏人。But when I leaped ashore, and followed in her steps to warn her of a peril in front, alas!

令人可叹的是,我的一些海外的博客朋友告诉我,此类事情也在海外发生。Unfortunately, I've heard from my international blogger friends that such things are happening everywhere.

然而可叹的是,尚有的不少宪法修正方案就是为服务执政人利益而提出的。But alas, several of the constitutional fixes on offer are designed to serve the interests of those in power.

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可喜可叹的是,我们刚刚谈论的是一对驯鹿雕刻在猛犸象牙上,那另一件雕塑品却是一头猛犸象雕刻到驯鹿鹿角上。By happy symmetry, where our reindeer are carved on mammoth tusk, the other sculpture shows a mammoth carved on a reindeer antler.

懵懵懂懂活了二十年,到头来竟不知应该怎么个活法,真是可悲、可叹、可笑乎?Unsuspectingly live in the past 20 years, it should actually do not know how to live, really sad, my dear, it is ironic that I am?

可叹的是,我们见到多少次冉阿让在黑暗中被自己的良心所擒,不顾死活地和它搏斗。Alas! How many times have we beheld Jean Valjean seized bodily by his conscience, in the darkness, and struggling desperately against it!

现在,在春秋季节,细雨之后,空气清新,尤其是在晨抵或夕照时,“佛山倒影”的胜景尤为可观可叹。The best time to enjoy the reflection is spring and autumn when it has just stopped raining and the air is fresh, especially at dawn or twilight.

朋友,当你看了之后,会明白酒店打工者光彩的背后除了生存之外,还有一个“忍”字,可悲可叹。Friends, when you read, the hotel workers who will understand that behind the glorious addition to survival, there is a "tolerance" of the word deplorable.

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当我们进入21世纪时,这个可叹、可爱而又可恨的人文学科将会继续伴我们前行。As we advance into the twenty-first century, this most human of all sciences will continue to amaze and thwart us with its complexity, utility and ambiguity.

普通美国百姓对我们的地方和国家领导失去了信心,这对于我们的政治制度来说,实在是可悲可叹,也是我们生活中令人不快的事实。It's sad commentary on our political system and a distasteful fact of life that the average American has lost confidence in our local and national leadership.

然而,我们也确实生活在这样一个相较人类历史任一时代而言道德标准都最可悲可叹的世界里。However, we do have to live with the fact that the moral standards of the world are at the most deplorable state compared to any era in the history of mankind.