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仅仅面对家里的杂乱不堪,你就可能会苦不堪言。Just facing the piles of clutter in your home can be overwhelming.

你可能会说,事实上“开放”使客户的生活苦不堪言。Truth is, you could argue that “open” makes the customer’s life miserable.

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你是你自己人生的作者,何必要把剧本写得苦不堪言。You are your own life of the author, why put the script written suffer unspeakably.

满怀深情的朋友可以使那些艰难的岁月变得不再苦不堪言,使那些幸福的时光叫人难以忘怀。A cherished friend can make those hard times better an those happy times even more memorable.

第二日,仍然是上身的训练,所以苦不堪言。The second day , training , reason why still being the upper part of the body suffer unspeakably.

可怜的雅罗姿只好游走在荒山野岭之间,终日里与寒冷、寂寞为伴,苦不堪言。Poor Aroiz had to live in a desolate mountain village, suffered from cold, loneliness and sadness.

但是他又看到,虽然人人富有但是一半病了就苦不堪言。However, he noticed that although people were affluent, once they fell ill, they suffered unspeakably.

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位于海地北部的一个名声不好,贫困潦倒的贫民窟里,民众正为得不到公共或者私人的援助而苦不堪言。One notorious and impoverished slum in northern Haiti languished with no public or private assistance.

在将近20年的时间里,对土地的持续争夺、地雷密布和强权政府都让当地民众苦不堪言。For almost 20 years near-constant fighting over land, mining riches, and power has terrorized the people.

不像他预期,亨珉是因为他的妻子谁谁不关心他总是苦不堪言。Unlike his expectations, Hyeong-minis always miserable because of his wife who who doesn't care about him.

患有哮喘的居民为此苦不堪言,许多人抱怨说空气中弥漫着一种有毒气体的味道。Residents of asthma are tortured and lots of them complaint that there are smells like posion gas in the air.

预测你可能有健康的年数,恕我直言,您浪费您的能源,可以让你苦不堪言。Predicting the number of healthy years you may have is, IMHO, a waste of your energy and can make you miserable.

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能把影后都弄的苦不堪言,也就可想而知她所饰演的“乔媛”究竟是个多坎坷的人物了。After the film can Dunong suffering, it can be imagined her as the "Qiao Yuan" Is it for more than a rough figure.

常听说有些家长,在孩子夜间做功课时跟在身旁监督,弄得苦不堪言。I have heard that some parents spend many school nights supervising and struggling with their children's homework.

有时候你可能无法享受你所要做的所有工作,但是这并不意味着你必须让自己苦不堪言。Sometimes you may not enjoy all the work you have to do, but that doesn’t mean you have to make yourself miserable.

这种日子让人苦不堪言,而使它越发可悲的是我认识的人有一半都逃到其他温暖的地方去了。It is a miserable time and made more miserable by the fact that half the people I know have escaped to somewhere warm.

结果水旱灾害频繁发生,政府防灾抗灾成本过高,农民苦不堪言,强烈要求退田还湖、移民建镇、发展替代产业。After that, most farmers call for wetland filling to transmigrate and establish towns, developing replacement industry.

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这是决定这两个奶奶们可以留在阿尔维纳的家,但他们不同意任何事情,大家都苦不堪言。It is decided that both grannies can stay at Alvina's home, but they don't agree on anything and everyone is miserable.

这些乱七八糟的名字,而就是这些名字,有的使酒店经营者受益非浅,有的使酒店经营者苦不堪言。The name of a mess, and that these names, some of the hotel operators greatly benefit from some miserable so hoteliers.

地方衙门贪官还要向老百姓征收田赋捐税,敛收财货,老百姓苦不堪言。Corrupt local government offices would also like people to the Land Tax levied taxes, close convergence goods, people suffer.