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他在林荫道上跑着。He ran down the avenue.

风顺着林荫道呼啸而来。The wind roars up the avenue.

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他们喜欢在林荫道上漫步。They liked to walk in the avenue.

在冷天的林荫道散步。Go for a walk in the mall on cold days.

他站在宽阔的林荫道的角落里。He stands on the corner of a wide avenue.

在特韦尔林荫道上有个什么人喊了他一声。In the Tverskoy Boulevard some one shouted his name.

Moorgate的绰号是“美洲的林荫道”。Moorgate was nicknamed "the Avenue of the Americas".

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入口处有许多高树,形成一条林荫道。In the entrance stand many tall trees to form an avenue.

她坐在窗口,凝视着夜幕渐渐笼罩在林荫道上。She sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue.

你穿过第六林荫道,第七大道,第八大道。You go through Sixth Avenue, Seventh Avenue, and Eighth Avenue.

一条林荫道从西南方一直通向了波斯波利斯。A tree-lined road leads to the site of Persepolis from the southwest.

在城里新建的林荫道的主要入口处有一个巨大的镶嵌画。The new mall in town features a gaint mosaic over the main entrance way.

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在城里新建的林荫道的主要入口处有一个巨*的镶嵌画。The new mall in town features a giant mosaic over the main entrance way.

他还说,自己当年为了等着看戴安娜和查尔斯的婚礼,还在林荫道睡了一宿。He had slept overnight on the Mall ahead of Diana and Charles' wedding, he added.

三三两两的人仍旧在阳台、林荫道和路边的咖啡馆里坐着。Small groups of people still sat along the terraces and boulevards and in the cafés.

在一个盖满树叶的林荫道或是盖满树叶的自行车道上漫步和探索。Find a tree-lined street or bike trail covered in leaves to walk through and explore.

站在林荫道上的人们想熄灭大火,但不起作用。The people who stood on the avenue tried to extinguish the fire, but it's of no avail.

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14就在这时,树林里绿色的林荫道上隐隐约约传来一声锡皮玩具喇叭声。Just here the blast of a toy tin trumpet came faintly down the green aisles of the forest.

迈克尔站在起居室的窗口,注视着卡罗在林荫道附近溜达。Michael stood in the window of his living room and watched Carlo strolling around the mall.

那天我正沿着博马舍林荫道散步,身上装着我妻子从美国赶忙寄来的一百多法郎,很阔气。Beaumarchais, rich by a hundred francs or so which my wife had frantically cabled from America.