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厨师戴帽子和穿围裙。Cooks wear hats and aprons.

在格林希尔我们都喜欢戴帽子。Everyone likes to wear hats at Greenhill.

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我喜欢戴太阳镜但我不喜欢戴帽子。I like sun-glasses but I don't like hats.

戴帽子的后面那位,就是你Do you want to stand up behind the hat? You.

你有一头浓发,不必戴帽子了。With a good head of hair you don't need a hat.

一个戴帽子的人站在梯子上刷墙。A man with a cap was on a ladder, cleaning the wall.

我很讨厌戴帽子,甚至天气冷也不戴。I have a thing about wearing hats, even when it's cold.

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我问欧特加,为什么他戴帽子戴了那么长时间。I asked Ortega why he has been wearing a hat for so long.

戴帽子并穿长袖衣服来增强防护。Wear a hat and a long-sleeved shirt for added protection.

你得看看她瞧见我戴帽子时的开心笑脸。You should have seen her smile when she saw me wearing a hat.

你可以在任何时间戴帽子,与任何颜色的外衣相配。You can wear a hat any old time, with any outfit, of any color.

“是戴帽子手套的趣怪天使,”乔说道,逗得他们都笑起来。Funny angels in hoods and mittens, ' said Jo and set them laughing.

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如果有戴帽子,痱子也可能出现在前额的头皮上。If he wears hats, the rash may spread across his scalp or forehead.

自己活在幻想的世界里,就觉得它们也要穿鞋子,戴帽子。I lived in a fantasy world and I thought they needed shoes and hats.

他穿着一件脏衬衫,没有戴帽子,半裸地出现在她面前。He appeared half-naked, wearing a dirty shirt with no hat on his head.

他从来不歪戴帽子,而是整整齐齐地戴着。He never pushed the hat to one side of his head, but wore it straight.

不过我们希望这位戴帽子的女士不会在赛马场上飞起来……However we hope the wearer doesn't end up floating above the racecourse.

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“是戴帽子手套的趣怪天使,”乔说道,逗得他们都笑起来。"Funny angels in hoods and mittens , " said Jo, and set them to laughing.

因为风还不甚冷,所以许多人都还没有戴帽子、围围巾。Because it is not bitter yet, many people do not yet wear hats or scarves.

作者提胥·拉贝曾经写过六本“戴帽子的猫教你学知识”系列图书。Tish Rabe is the author of six previous Cat in the Hat Learning Library titles.