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清酒的销售会带来更多的税收。Sake sales lead to more tax income.

噢,服务员,我们还需要一壶小清酒,谢谢。Oh, attendant, we still need small sake and thank.

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老妇人们过去经常过来聊天喝茶,老人们则喜欢喝清酒讲故事。That old lady used to come and chat and drink tea.

绍兴酒属米酒类,品之香味诱人,有点象日本的清酒。We like Shao Xing rice wine because it tastes good.

金樽清酒斗十千,玉盘珍羞直万钱。Pure wine in golden cup costs ten thousand coins, good!

要,请给我一壶温的日本清酒跟一杯人参茶。Yes, I'll have a bottle of warm sake and some ginseng tea.

你们没有吃饼,也没有喝清酒浓酒。You ate no bread and drank no wine or other fermented drink.

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陈铭基先生同时是香港首批日本清酒品酒师。He is also among the first Japanese Sake Sommeliers in Hong Kong.

在今天,大部分的清酒都有添加食用酒精。Most mass produced Sake made today has pure distilled alcohol added to it.

东坡肉之所以美味可口主要是因为油而不腻而且还带有清酒的芬芳。It is very delicious with oily but not greasy taste and the fragrance of wine.

日本清酒酿造用米必须高度精白,清酒品质标准越高,原料米精白处理要求也越高。The grain rice for Japanese Sake production must be high pure white in quality.

大吟酿清酒酿造技术和绝妙的芳醇香味有效的结成一体。With a good balance of DAIGINJO special brewing techniques and perfect bouquet.

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绍兴酒属米酒类,品之香味诱人,有点象日本的清酒。Shaoxing wine belongs to rice wine , it tastes wonderful and likes Japan 's wine.

将开水、清酒及酱油倒入锅内煮滚,即加入鱿鱼。Pour together the water, sake and soy sauce in a saucepan, add squid when it boils.

甘口的日本清酒在北京哪里有卖的呢?Where does the Japan of sweet mouth sake have the woollen cloth selling in Beijing?

绍兴酒属米酒类,品之香味诱人,有点象日本的清酒。Shaohsing wine is a kind of arack. It is tasty and smells good, some like Japanese sake.

这款清酒口味的奇巧可以说能在日本找到的奇巧口味里是最怪的。Of all the odd Kit Kat flavors you can find in Japan this is a contender for the weirdest.

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才谷屋为您提供著名的土佐料理以及同样美味的日本酒、清酒。We supply delectable Japanese wine and fine rice wine and Japanese authentic food as well.

以1汤匙清酒预先浸腌鸡肉,置于锅内与萝卜同煮。Marinate the minced chicken with 1 tbsp sake in advance and put into the pot of boiled radish.

经过一系列尝试,包括清酒甚至日本威士忌,我们最终还是选择了放弃。但在四年后的德国,游戏又开始了!We made a halfhearted attempt to explore Sake and even Japanese whisky but eventually gave up.